Once upon a time a frog croaked in Bingle Bog all the night beginning from dusk to dawn. All the creatures hated his loud and unpleasant voice but still they did not have any other option. The voice came out from the sumac tree where every night the frog sang till morning. He was so determined and also shameless that neither stones, prayers or sticks nor the insults or complaints could divert him from singing.

One night, a nightingale started casting her melody in the moonlight to which both the frog and the other creatures were left dumbstruck. The whole bog remained, rapt and admired her voice and applauded her when she ended. The frog was obviously jealous of his rival and had finally decided to eliminate her. So, the next night when the nightingale was again preparing to sing, the frog's croak disturbed her. On being asked about himself by the nightingale he answered that he owned the sumac tree and he had been known for his splendid voice. Also he said that he had written a number of songs for the Bog Trumpet.

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The nightingale asked him whether he liked her song or not. The frog said that the song wasn't bad but too long and it lacked some force. The nightingale was greatly impressed that such a critic had discussed her song. She said that she was happy that the song was her own creation. To this the frog said that she needed a proper training to obtain a strong voice otherwise she would remain a beginner only. He also said that he would train her but would charge some fee.

Now, the nightingale was flushed with confidence and was a huge sensation, attracting animals from miles away and the frog with a great accuracy charged all of them admission fee. The frog began her vocal training despite of the bad and rainy weather where even the nightingale had first refused to sing. But the frog forced her to sing for six hours continuously till she was shivering and her voice had become rough and unclear. But, somehow her neck got clear the next day and she was able to sing again collecting a breathless crowd including rich ladies kings queens etc. To all this, the frog had both sweet and bitter feelings. Sweet because he was earning lots of money and bitter because of jealously as his rival was earning name and fame.

Everyday, the frog scolded her to practice even longer finding out her little mistakes like nervousness not laying more trills and frills etc. He reminded her that she still owed him sixty shillings and that s why the crowd should increase.

But the condition of nightingale was getting worsened. Her tired and uninspired song could no longer attract the crowd. She could not resist this as she had become used to applause and thus had become miserable too. The heartless frog scolded her even then calling her a brainless bird. She trembled, puffed up, burst a vein and died. The frog said that he had tried to teach her but she was foolish, nervous and tensed and moreover much prone to influence. Then, once again the frog's fog horn started blearing unrivalled in the bog.

The moral of the poem is that being inspired and influenced by someone much unknown and strange is indeed a foolish work. The nightingale could have very well judged that how could the frog with such a harsh voice be music maestro and she had to suffer for her misjudgment.

in the poem the poet personifies the frog and the nightingale torepresent different sections of the society.scheming,cunning anddominating people overpower gullible, timid and talanted sectionsof the socity.they use them for their own purpose and step overthem to succed.

She is portrayed as the innocent, nave, gullible, polite, unsure, timid, shy and nervous type. The taste of appreciation enhances her self-esteem making her gullible. The desire to impress makes her blind to the faults of the frog. Her originality and piousness get shadowed by the greed for status and commercial success. Trapped in the cruel circle of success, she pushes herself to a point of exhaustion. She gets addicted to her status and is unable to get out of the clutches of the frog. She tries to match the misguided criticism of the frog which results in her death.

Ans. -The nightingale was elated because the frog, who she thought was a music critic, had appreciated her singing. She was also very thrilled because she was enjoying the adulation of the public when she sang.

Ans. -The frog had been singing in the bog despite the criticism and insults heaped on him by the creatures of the bingle bog. With the arrival of the nightingale he felt threatened. He planned and schemed to put the bird out of the way. He earned money from her concerts, finally, when the nightingale dies, he is relieved and happily goes back to singing in the bog.

Ans.- The Frog was very wicked and befooled the nightingale. He scolded and demoralized her. He made her sing so forcefully and loudly that she died. He used her for his benefit and even at her death, he was not sorry for his conspiracy. He called her stupid and he was right in saying so.

Ans.- According to me, frog was very wicked and befooled the nightingale. He scolded and demoralized her. He made her sing so forcefully and loudly that she died. But the nightingale was also equally responsible for her tragic end. She foolishly and blindly trusted the frog and changed her style of singing. This led her to suffer the end she had met with.

I was in a valley in springtime; in a very secluded corner, I heard an owl and a nightingale holding a great debate. [5] Their argument was fierce, passionate, and vehement, sometimes sotto voce, sometimes loud; and each of them swelled with rage against the other and let out all her anger, and said the very worst she could think of about the other's character, [10] and especially they argued vehemently against each other's song.

The nightingale began the argument in the corner of a clearing, [15] and perched on a beautiful branch---there was plenty of blossom around it---in an impenetrable thick hedge, with reeds and green sedge growing through it. She was all the happier because of the branch, [20] and sang in many different ways; the music sounded as if it came from a harp or a pipe rather than from a living throat. [25] Nearby there stood an old stump where the owl sang her Hours, and which was all overgrown with ivy; this was where the owl lived. The nightingale looked at her, [30] and scrutinised her and despised her, and everything about the owl seemed unpleasant to her, since she is regarded as ugly and dirty. 

 'You nasty creature!', she said, 'fly away! The sight of you makes me sick. [35] Certainly I often have to stop singing because of your ugly face. My heart fails me, and so does my speech, when you thrust yourself on me. I'd rather spit than sing [40] about your wretched howling.'

5.The following is a summary of the poem but it is jumbled up. Write out the events in their correct order to form a continuous paragraph.

 (a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty, and the other creatures stopped coming to hear her sing.

 (b) Soon the nightingale became famous, and creatures from miles around came to hear her sing.

 (c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song.

 (d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully.

 (e) So the frog could sing unrivalled in the bog once more.

 (f) The next night the frog introduced himself.

 (g) The frog charged an admission fee, and earned a lot of money from these concerts.

 (h) A frog croaked all night in a bog, in an unpleasant voice.

 (i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse continuously in the rain.

 (j) One night a nightingale began to sing in a melodious voice.

 (k) Finally the nightingale burst a vein and died.

 Ans: (h) A frog croaked all night in a bog, in an unpleasant voice.

 (j) One night a nightingale began to sing in a melodious voice.

 (c) All the creatures in the bog cheered and clapped at her beautiful song.

 (f) The next night the frog introduced himself.

 (d) He offered to train the nightingale, so that she could sing even more beautifully.

 (b) Soon the nightingale became famous, and creatures from miles around came to hear her sing.

 (g) The frog charged an admission fee, and earned a lot of money from these concerts.

 (i) But the frog made the nightingale rehearse continuously in the rain.

 (a) As a result, her voice lost its beauty, and the other creatures stopped coming to hear her sing.

 (k) Finally the nightingale burst a vein and died.

 (e) So the frog could sing unrivalled in the bog once more.

6. Now that you have read the poem, add more personality traits to the word-web of the frog and the nightingale as depicted in the poem. Then complete the table given below. (Some of the words in the box below may help you. You may also use the words given in Q. 1.)

(iii)She no longer enjoyed singing alone as

 1. she wanted to sing only for titled crowd

 2. she was now used to the appreciation she got

 3. the frog was no longer with her

 4. she had become proud of herself

 Ans: 2. she was now used to the appreciation she got

(d) Why was the frog angry?

 Ans: The frog was angry because the nightingale had ceased to sing melodiously. Her song was so dull that no one liked it. This had suddenly crashed the incomeof frog.

(e) How did the frog become the unrivalled king of the bog again?

 Ans: The frog became the unrivaled king of Bingle Bog, after the death of the nightingale. Now no bird or animal would compete with the frog in singing. Secondly, all of them over there were greatly scared of him.

13. The nightingale has scaled the heights of success. But now the audience is dwindling, the frog is unhappy and reprimands her all the time. She is mentally and physically exhausted and fears failure. As the nightingale, write a diary entry highlighting her fears and analyzing the reasons for her failure.


 1st December


 I still remember the time when the bog creatures were pleasantly surprised to hear my soothing, sweet and divine voice. Everyone admired my song. My song was such a hit that the creatures requested me to sing again and again. But the gala days vanished away soon.

 Now they are no longer interested in my song. Constant singing has damaged my vocal chords. I cannot sing melodiously as my voice has got hoarse and shanky. I am surprised and doleful at the indifferent attitude of the bog creatures. Even my master trainer, frog is annoyed with me and scolds me all the time. he keeps on reminding me that my song lacks a certain force and my singing is full of errors. Am I not a good singer? Will I ever be able to sing well? Perhaps not. because my song as lost its spontaneity and originality. the audience who used to applaud my song are now loosing interest and withdrawing. The frog constantly reprimands me because the total collection of money from the sale of tickets to my concert has fallen sharply. How will I pay the sixty shilling- the remaining fee for the training? I am mentally and physically exhausted. I shudder at the mere thought of being a failure where once I earned kudos for my singing.

 Oh God! Please Help me

 Nightingale 17dc91bb1f

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