The Dragon of the Dungeon

If it’s true that the dragon will return in three days, you have no time to lose! You quickly begin rummaging through your belongings to find the few items you’ll need to bring with you. Along with enough food and water for three days, you decide to bring your lucky shield, a lantern for light, and a traveling cloak for warmth. As you turn to head out the door, your eye falls upon a thick book bound in leather. You move closer and discover it’s a textbook you studied in school titled “The Language of Dragons.” For reasons you can’t quite explain, you pick it up. Something tells you you’ll need it later . . .

You head out the door, taking in the sights of the city around you. A short way down the road, you see the entrance to the royal castle. Standing atop the highest tower, the king gazes adoringly down at his fair city. Pride is evident in his eyes, but a subtle sadness lingers there as well.

You can’t help but notice the absence of a crown on the King’s head, and you sadden at the stories you’ve heard. According to rumors, the royal family once possessed an ancient relic called the Crown of Legend. As long as this relic remained in the hands of the royal family, no harm could befall the kingdom. However, a few years ago, the public began to notice the crown’s apparent disappearance. The king no longer wore it, and rumors started to spread that it had been lost, or perhaps taken! You, however, take no stock in these rumors. After all, the kingdom has always been peaceful, crown, or no crown. You feel a pang of longing at the thought of leaving this place to go on a dangerous quest, but you know it’s the right thing to do. And so, with quickness in your step and determination in your heart, you begin walking in the direction of the dragon’s cave.

Before long, you come to a roped bridge leading to the entrance of the cave. A cool, damp breeze blows across your face. You shiver, though you’re unsure whether it’s due to cold or apprehension. You make your way across the wooden planks and into the cave’s entryway. A musty smell assaults your nostrils, and you feel small creatures scatter beneath your feet. Suddenly, a large stone rolls across the cave’s entryway and shuts out your only source of light. You are left in total darkness. If only you could find something to light your way . . .