Dragon's Heir is the fantastic follow-up in the coming-of-age fantasy series Dragon Courage. If you like plenty of action, unsuspected turn of events, and believable characters and worlds, you'll love Kandi J Wyatt's kid-safe dragon adventure.

The Dragon of Shenandoah wasn't supposed to be calling. Wulf von Dunstig was so far down the succession list, he wasn't even spare to the heir! But calling it was. As the third son of the ruler of the Mark of Shenandoah, Wulf should not have inherited the ruler's complete bond with the giant dragon that lay under his land. He was into reading sagas and ranger lore, after all. Visions and rule were for his brother Otto. Yet when Wulf is secretly compelled to bond with the land-dragon, he finds himself thrust into a terrible new reality.

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Dragons of Kaitstud is an epic fantasy series starring shifters and dragons in a world where music is magical. It is the story of a girl searching for her family and finding more than she ever expected.

Nikulas, like his brothers, hates hiding the fact that dragons still exist. But their mother keeps them inside their hidden valley, away from the humans who hunted and killed the rest of her family. The longer their sister stays away, the more the peaks circling them feel like a cage.

The article details a manor in the eastern Harnic kingdom of Kaldor, a realm on the brink of civil war, as the aging king continues to refuse to name an heir. The manor is not ruled by a secular lord but by the Church of Larani, a goddess devoted to chivalry and the arts of the paladin (A rough equivalent would be D20s Heironeous.). It is located in a close to the base of one claimant to the throne of Kaldor, a man who has publicly declared his desire to subordinate the Church to his will... be457b7860

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