A newsletter is a printed or electronic report containing news concerning the activities of a business or an organization that is sent to its members, customers, employees or other subscribers. Newsletters generally contain one main topic of interest to its recipients. A newsletter may be considered grey literature. E-newsletters are delivered electronically via e-mail and can be viewed as spamming if e-mail marketing is sent unsolicited.[1][2][3][4]

The newsletter is the most common form of serial publication.[5] About two-thirds of newsletters are internal publications, aimed towards employees and volunteers, while about one-third are external publications, aimed towards advocacy or special interest groups.[5]

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In ancient Rome, newsletters were exchanged between officials or friends.[2] By the Middle Ages, they were exchanged between merchant families.[2] Trader's newsletters covered various topics such as the availability and pricing of goods, political news, and other events that would influence trade.[2] These commercial newsletters were in effect, the first "serious" outlet for news publishing, from which evolved newspapers.[2]

The first full "newspaper" was Relation of Strasbourg, printed in 1609 by Johann Carolus. Many rivals soon followed, such as the German Avisa Relation oder Zeitung and the Dutch Nieuwe Tijdingen.[2] By the end of the 17th century, several newspapers were established all across Europe, and were often translated into other languages.[2] By the late 17th century, several governments were censoring newspapers, which harmed their development.[2] Wars, like the Thirty Years' War, also imposed restrictions on trade, which could lead to shortage of paper in addition to censorship.[2]

Newsletter marketing is a form of direct-to-consumer advertising. This is used by companies that want to send information directly to potential and existing customers.[6] When received unsolicited, they can be seen as spam.

Writing and distributing personal newsletters by individuals can be observed since the late 2010s in the advent of social networking services. Due to the way the algorithms on such services work, followers may not see the updates someone posts.

Until the early 20th century, newsletters were generally produced by letterpress. The development of spirit duplicators and mimeograph machines in the early 20th century made short-run reproduction more economical. In the 1960s, xerographic photocopying became ubiquitous.

Trusted by more than 400,000 users all over the world, Newsletter is the perfect tool to start building your mailing list in an easy and intuitive way. From forms creation to subscribers management, everything is thought to make you start emailing in no time.

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With our easy forms creation tool you can place subscription forms pretty much anywhere in your WordPress powered website and just lay back and watch your visitors turning into engaged subscribers. Sort them automatically in targeting lists and greet them with custom designed welcome emails. Automate daily, weekly or monthly newsletters to let them know about offers, latest blog posts and new content.

Easily track your newsletters performance and get indepth stats of opens, clicks and other metrics. Control improvements over time and retarget your subscribers with dedicated campaigns. Move unresponding recipients to custom lists and create a healthier address book with enhanced click through rate.

With Automated, you can design a mindblowing layout using our Composer and set delivery time, both repeating or on a specific date, and just sit back watching your mailing list grow effortless. By using Autoresponder, you can create different follow up newsletters series, automatically sent to your subscribers with your preferred delay.

Newsletter integrates perfectly with a number of external mail delivery services, from the most user friendly ones to the more complex and flexible solutions. Connect to your preferred external service and start sending your campaign without worrying about server limits and deliverability issues.

The Newsletter plugin is the perfect solution for me as an author. It was very easy to set up, and they gave great support when I had a question, too! It integrates really well with SendInBlue for transactional emails. A big thumbs up.

The newsletter plugin is a real newsletter and email marketing system for your WordPress blog: perfect for list building, you can easily create, send, and track e-mails, headache-free. It just works out of the box!

Every Monday morning, just when most of us are groaning our way back into the weekday grind, I send out a newsletter full of seasonal meal ideas, archive favorites, food links from around the web, a round-up of anything you might have missed the week before and event announcements, when relevant.

I have been looking for recipes with such a variety of veggies and just different and pretty much what I have in my pantry already. So, thanks for that. I made the tomato and zucchini and other ingredients, gallant. Amazing. We ate the whole thing. Great flavors. This is going to be great time with your sight. Thanks again

I am not sure why you received that but I neither collect nor sell email addresses. This sounds like a marketing email from the newsletter service but I will get more information as to why this is happening.

This morning I received an email from a friend for your zucchini bread recipe, and after reading the recipe, I clicked on many more of the recipes and was really impressed. I get many recipes from many sources, but yours are ones that I would definitely try. From the few recipes that I have read, the ingredients are practical. As I am a visual person, I love the illustrations that accompany the recipes, too! Thank you!

Deb, over the weekend my grown-up kid and his wife came through town, and I made the angry grandma pizza one night (solid, as the kid would say, I loved it) and the cheddar biscuits for lunch, with soup, before they headed out. These were the stars. I made biscuits with actual layers! Who knew I could do that? Thanks for all the great recipes, and methods to make things better. Happy January to you and yours.

The Basel Committee issues this newsletter to provide greater detail on its internal discussions regarding the implementation of the Principles for the effective management and supervision of climate-related financial risks (Principles). The Committee believes the information provided may be useful for both supervisors and banks in their day-to-day activities. This document is for informational purposes only and does not constitute new supervisory guidance or expectations.

In the first 12 months following publication, the Committee facilitated sharing of supervisory experiences and practices and engaged with industry to understand progress and identify key challenges to full implementation. The majority of member jurisdictions have taken steps to implement the Principles in domestic supervisory frameworks and practices through the issuance of draft or final guidance, or have plans to issue such guidance.

The Principles acknowledge that the management of climate-related financial risks is evolving, and practices are expected to mature over time. Supervisors thus identified a number of areas where progress was particularly lagging behind, especially in relation to the quantification of climate-related financial risks, data collection and adequate measurement through reliable risk metrics and key risk indicators. While it is recognised that climate-related financial risks will probably be incorporated into banks' internal capital and liquidity adequacy assessments iteratively and progressively, implementation of Principle 5 (capital and liquidity adequacy) was found to generally be at very early stages. Most supervisors noted that there has been no progress by banks to include climate-related capital and liquidity impacts into existing assessment processes. Data availability and quality have made full implementation more challenging and should be an area of focus for both banks and supervisors going forward.

Data limitations were identified as the main impediment for banks and supervisors to implement the Principles. Banks reported that the availability and quality of data and methodologies vary significantly across sectors and counterparties, and therefore significant human resources, expertise and time are required to improve data availability and quality. Banks will need to invest in better tools and greater automation to capture climate data and minimise operational risks associated with manual processes.

Supervisors highlighted various initiatives to address data issues. Some supervisors have started collecting quantitative climate-related financial risk data on either a regular or an ad hoc basis (eg during climate scenario analysis or stress testing exercises). Some supervisors also report that they are collaborating with the industry to develop common platforms, templates for data collection, tools and data repositories, some of which are publicly available (eg to assess physical risk impacts or to estimate greenhouse gas emissions).

Banks use targeted questionnaires and client due diligence as part of onboarding to collect qualitative and quantitative data from clients at a counterparty, facility or asset level. In addition to obtaining information from clients, banks also rely on public disclosures and third-party data providers, as well as proxies using activity-based data and asset-based factors. While banks may consider using reasonable proxies and assumptions where reliable or comparable climate-related data are not available, they should understand and establish the necessary guardrails to manage the limitations and sensitivity of risk outcomes. 152ee80cbc

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