I'm completely new and lost in Ubuntu 12.04, I'm having trouble navigating to my Sublime folder which I know is in my /opt folder. Yet I've tried to no avail to navigate into it via Terminal window. The directory is colored in blue, no idea what this means...but I am able to access the folder using the GUI explorer...?

Another way to avoid this issue, is to use Tab Completion. This is a feature that will help you to auto-fill weird names and/or long names. Read here about Tab Completion and learn it. It is very useful(in Ubuntu is pre-installed).

The Download Directory Has Spaces) In The Name

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Type cd c:\ . Now press the tab key (this is auto-complete, which will save you a lot of typing) repeatedly until it shows you a directory with spaces in the name. Notice how it delimits the path with apostrophes '. Use the same character when you're typing.

I noticed that if the files selected have spaces, it will stop the Merge Channels from running because getTitle() does not include the file name after it sees a space. I read that implementing square brackets ([ and ]) are the solution to this issue, but I am unsure where it belongs.

For example, I want to define a specific directory like C:\User\Folder in the code itself. If I change the code to allow me to select a specific directory, I would need to do so every time the macro is run, which is not desirable.

then press the Tab key, the shell will fill in the rest of the folder name (as long as there are no other folders on your Desktop starting with "Re"), and will take care of quoting the arguments to cd if there are spaces in the directory name it fills in.

While looking into how to set up some static DNS-SD services in our network, I came across -sd.org/ServerStaticSetup.html, which states that Active Directory's DNS server does not support DNS names with spaces in them.

However if your AD entries represent host names, then a space is not a valid character. A host name (i.e. a domain name that points to an A or AAAA record) must follow the rules from RFC 1123, which essentially restricts the legal characters to LDH ("letter digit hyphen").

Ah - sorry to be snippy, but you have a wag the dog here. It is not that AD does not support DNS names with spaces, but that DNS names per definition and RFC are not allowed to have spaces to start with. RFC 952 and 1123 both do not allow spaces as part of a DNS name.

The answer to your specific question is NO, Active Directory does NOT allow spaces in DNS hostnames. The prohibited characters are clearly outlined in KB 909264 - Naming conventions in Active Directory for computers, domains, sites, and OUs in the section labeled Disallowed characters it reads:

To extend the answer beyond Active Directory to the DNS domain name system in general the situation is a little trickier because while spaces technically are allowed in certain instances, in practice you will probably never encounter such a case yourself.

However, there is a preferred form that is required by mostapplications. This preferred form has been the only one permitted inthe names of top-level domains, or TLDs. In general, it is also theonly form permitted in most second-level names registered in TLDs,although some names that are normally not seen by users obey otherrules. It derives from the original ARPANET rules for the naming ofhosts (i.e., the "hostname" rule) and is perhaps better described asthe "LDH rule", after the characters that it permits. The LDH rule, asupdated, provides that the labels (words or strings separated byperiods) that make up a domain name must consist of only the ASCII[ASCII] alphabetic and numeric characters, plus the hyphen. No othersymbols or punctuation characters are permitted, nor is blank space.If the hyphen is used, it is not permitted to appear at either thebeginning or end of a label. There is an additional rule thatessentially requires that top-level domain names not be all-numeric.

In practice this means you should NOT use spaces, even though in the most general specification of domain names as defined in these excerpts from 5.1 of RFC 1035 it is possible to allow spaces in domain names:

s make up a large share of the data in the master file.The labels in the domain name are expressed as character strings andseparated by dots. Quoting conventions allow arbitrary characters tobe stored in domain names.

is expressed in one or two ways: as a contiguousset of characters without interior spaces, or as a string beginningwith a " and ending with a ". Inside a " delimited string anycharacter can occur, except for a " itself, which must be quoted using\ (back slash).

The DNS specifications attempt to be as general as possible in therules for constructing domain names. The idea is that the name of anyexisting object can be expressed as a domain name with minimalchanges.

However, when assigning a domain name for an object, the prudent userwill select a name which satisfies both the rules of the domain systemand any existing rules for the object, whether these rules arepublished or implied by existing programs.

For example, when naming a mail domain, the user should satisfy boththe rules of this memo and those in RFC-822. When creating a new hostname, the old rules for HOSTS.TXT should be followed. This avoidsproblems when old software is converted to use domain names.

Thanks for the reply. I tried using quotation marks, and it did solve the space issue. However, the name of this particular directory posed another problem: single quotes! Escaping them seems very tricky.

(Note: after some more research I have a partial answer, but I don't like having to write the actual commands against that variable differently depending on embedded spaces or not. I'll accept better suggestions).

I'm trying to read in text files but there's a space in the directory name. The examples I can find are too complicated - I'm not building a repeatable process, just trying to bring in my data (I don't think I need a pipe, for example). Any suggestions?

Long filenames or paths with spaces are supported by NTFS in Windows NT. However, these filenames or directory names require quotation marks around them when they are specified in a command prompt operation. Failure to use the quotation marks results in the error message.

Use quotation marks when specifying long filenames or paths with spaces. For example, typing the copy c:\my file name d:\my new file name command at the command prompt results in the following error message:

Spaces are allowed in long filenames or paths, which can be up to 255 characters with NTFS. All operations at the command prompt involving long names with spaces, however, must be treated differently. Normally, it is an MS-DOS convention to use a space after a word to specify a parameter. The same convention is being followed in Windows NT command prompt operations even when using long filenames.

I'm implementing a basic shell in C and for implementing cd command I'm using chdir() but it is not working for directory name having a space in it. Ex. For folder Demo 1, cd Demo\ 1, cd "Demo 1" etc. is not working.

Ok - every so often I get a brain freeze and can't figure out how to save to a directory that has spaces in it's name (such as 'My Documents'). I've tried every combination of double and single quotes in different parts of the file/path string that I can think of, to no avail.

Is that just a normal folder that has been named My Documents?

Or more likely are you trying to save something in the special My Documents folder, which is not located at the C:\ but somewhere like,

C:\Documents and Settings\Andy\My Documents

The code will show you.[vba]Sub x()

I am trying to rsync from one server to another. The servers have the same directory structure but I am having trouble getting the remotes server to properly recognize the path name on the remote when there is a space in it.

This option sends all filenames and most options to the remote rsync via the protocol (not the remote shell command line) which avoids letting the remote shell modify them. Wildcards are expanded on the remote host by rsync instead of a shell.

I took off the trailing slash / from the source directory path. This will make rsync copy the directory and all its contents, which means rsync will worry about getting the name correct on the remote host (which it will) instead of you.

Evidently the setup on the destination machine affects how arguments are parsed and we must have something setup that is making it difficult to use quotes or slashes to escape spaces but we can use wild cards so I did this

Ultimately I need to understand how to setup the remote server so that it can parse the path name more efficiently - I never use spaces in directory names but the person who set this up did and at least for now I am stuck

I have a directory that has spaces. For example, c:\jessie files. 7z is unable to locate the directory since there is a space in the directory name. "c:\jessie files" does not work, and neither does c:\jessie/ files.

If you've transferred files to your Unix account from a PC or Macintosh with filenames containing what Unix considers to be meta-characters, they may cause problems. Meta-characters (including semicolons, spaces, backslashes, dollar signs, question marks, and asterisks) are characters that are interpreted under Unix as commands or instructions. Although these characters may not cause any trouble in other operating systems, their special Unix interpretations may cause problems when you try to delete them. Try the following suggestions for deleting these files:

The quotes prevent the semicolon from being interpreted as a stacking command. (Since you can string commands together in Unix with semicolons, Unix will interpret a semicolon in a filename that way, unless you put it in quotes.) e24fc04721

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