A single water droplet remained on the beach. She had managed to gather herself together in a tug of war with the thirsty sand. She invoked the principle of surface tension and haughtily pulled herself into a perfect sphere. She shimmered elegantly in the daylight, decorating her inner surface from the color palette of the sun. Like a ballet dancer holding a gravity-defying pose, she stood on tippy-toe, a skin-encapsulated ego, a self-contented narcissist with eyes for nobody else.

But I have gotten a little ahead of myself with the story. So, let me talk about these rungs that connect those spiraling arms, at once giving them stability and the freedom to dance. These rungs are not made uniformly to the same exact dimensions nor even of the same stuff. Each rung is a single-issue limited edition of a new masterpiece.

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And rituals which, initially, were the practices (e.g., sound/music, dance/processions, art/stain glass windows, scent/incense, taste/communion, meditation etc.) intended to create altered states of consciousness, so as to encourage encounters with extra-dimensional energies and entities, have now become dead rites that choke off mysticism and replace it with dogma.

Then I smelled Him, fleetingly. I had walked through a power spot! I stopped, backed up, and moved my head from side to side and sniffed like Kayla taught me. There it was again. I stood absolutely still and sniffed again. I had it! An entire shelf-full from the Akashic Records tumbled into my brain releasing a myriad of memories from many lifetimes on this planet. They danced like children newly reunited with long-lost parents.

The third order of wisdom keepers was the Druids. They were the intellectual giants of the Celtic world. They were the scientists and astronomers. And for the Celts, as for many ancient peoples like the Sumerians, Egyptians and Mayans, astronomy was based on the deep realization that the universe, as a whole, is an interrelated puzzle with all the parts being in significant relationships. All life is energized by this web and information exchange. The heavenly bodies are not merely dead rocks spinning in mind-less space, nor fiery nuclear furnaces burning themselves into ashes. They are intelligent partners in the cosmic dance, and humans had better learn the steps.

Barlev, Arella. Located in the Berkeley, CA area, Arella has been singing at weddings and parties since the late 70's with a variety of bands in Israel and California. She sings klezmer, Israeli folk music and dances, Yiddish, Ladino, English, Jazz standards, Rock and Roll. She also plays guitar. She has sung High Holy Days for 24 years, and is as ba'al tfilah. She has recorded several records with several band configurations.Tel: 510-233-6739.

Barmash, Inna began singing in Yiddish at age eleven in Vilna,Lithuania, her birthplace. Sheis a founding member of the Princeton's Klez Dispensers, performs with the Katzzz trio, and most recently, has beenraising some wild gypsy music ruckus with Romashka, a Romanian-Russian gypsy dance party bandsporting some familiar klezmer faces.....

Brooks, Christopher (Violinist, Southeastern Pennsylvania). I'm a classically-trained violinist with extensive orchestral and chamber music experience in both Europe and America.In the last decade, I've turned my attention to jazz, and recently (exploring my Jewish roots) to Klezmer. Inspired by my recent experience at KlezKamp, I'm looking for musicians to play with. Though my experience with Klezmer is scant, I have strong chops, a good feel for dance, collaborative, can read anything, and am a quick study.I'm particularly interested in gigging in south-eastern Pennsylvania and therabouts. Tel: 717-291-9123.

Gold, Jim (Dance instructor/facilitator, Teaneck, NJ). I am a folk dance leader who often teaches with various Klezmer bands including Michele Levine's Klezmer Connection. Contact: Jim Gold International, 497 Cumberland Ave., Teaneck, NJ 07666 USA. Tel: 201-836-0362 / Fax: 201-836-8307. Web: www.jimgold.com.

Morrison, Wendy (band: Klezcentricity, Washington, DC): Piano accordion, diatonic button accordion, English and Anglo concertinas, 5-string banjo, pennywhistle. A longtime mainstay of the DC area folk music scene as a performer, dance accompanist, studio musician, and workshop leader, Wendy also teaches music and Judaic studies to adults and children. Her compelling liturgical and instrumental compositions spring from a deep understanding and love of traditional music. Wendy is known not only for her unusual accompaniment style and refreshingly different chording and rhythmic patterns, but also for her uncanny ability to pick up and recall tunes by ear. The bulk of her repertoire consists of folk dance melodies, mostly Klezmer, Irish, New England Contradance, and Scandinavian fiddle tunes. In her "spare" time, she hunts in YouTune Forest for wild tunes.

Olenick, Jeffrey (Yiddish song: Portland, OR). Amy [Shapiro] is a fine singer with a broad range, whoespecially excels at Jewish material -- Yiddish folk and theater songs,religious and Israeli songs and Ladino folk material. She is also a teacherand leads a very fine children's choir in Portland. I am amulti-instrumentalist -- clarinet, piano, dumbek and banjo. We play manyweddings and bar/bat mitzvahs, and have released 2 albums, Oy Mama and justthis year, Life (which also featured our son Louie). Both albums contain avariety of musical styles, and feature songs in Yiddish, Hebrew and Ladino.Amy and I have played extensively in the Midwest (we used to have abluegrass band) and have played in Israel and Birobidjan. Amy has touredScandinavia as well.

Schnaps, Yehuda (Gimzo, Israel). Yehuda Schnaps - The "Altelach" from Gimzo. Modern quick and unique Jewish Klezmer dance, Chasidic dance and Sefardi music dance. I also sing with a special heavy "Ashkenazi" accent and rhythm. Here is a dance with the famous Klezmer band of Musa Berlin and Barni Meinbach. Close show in Purim Jewish party:

Shepherd, Merlin. (bands: Merlin Shepherd Kapelye, Sound and Light Cinematic Duo, Sukke, Brighton, East Sussex, GreatBritain) Merlin has played with Budowitz, FFrank London's Klezmer Brass Allstars, Sukke, New Presumption, BurningBush, and sang with The Ashkenazim Vocal Quartet. Merlin hasalso done much theatre work including Klezmer music advisor(and clarinetist) to the Royal Shakespeare Company for their1992 production of "The Dybbuk". Also music director for theRSC, Royal National Theatre, Shakespeare's Globe Theatre,London. Performed the World premier of "Kol Simcha" by AdamGorb, for London Musici and Rambert Dance Co. Composedscores for many dance and theatre companies. Merlin hastaught at KlezKamp, at Klezfests in London, St Petersburg,Evpatoria, Kiev. He was also the first teacher of klezmermusic at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)at the University of London. His first CD as band-leader(The Merlin Shepherd Kapelye / Intimate Hopes & Terrors) wasreleased on Oriente Musik (Nov 2006) and features ten ofthe leading Klezmer players from the former Soviet Union.Write: 71 Osborne Road, Brighton, BN1 6LR, UK Tel: +44 1273 55 37 37Web: www.myspace.com/merlinshepherdkapelye.

Svigals, Alicia (band: Alicia Svigals Klezmer, Mikveh, solo, etc., New York City). Alicia Svigals is the world's leading klezmer fiddler, a co-founder of the Klezmatics, and the all-female Yiddish music supergroup Mikveh. Alicia has played with and written for violinist Itzhak Perlman, the Kronos Quartet, playwrights Tony Kushner and Eve Ensler, the late poet Allen Ginsburg, Robert Plant and Jimmy Page of Led Zeppelin, singer/songwriter Debbie Friedman, Hasidic superstars Avraham Fried and Lipa Shmelzer, and many others. She has appeared on David Letterman, MTV, Good Morning America, PBS' Great Performances, on NPR's Prairie Home Companion, Weekend Edition and New Sounds, and on the soundtrack for the L-Word. Her company, Klezmer by Alicia Svigals, LLC, provides entertainment for weddings and bar/bat mitzvahs ? p; the world's top klezmer musicians, as well as jazz, rock, R&B, dance leaders, djs etc. She can be reached at her website www.aliciasvigals.com.

Traub, Terry (musician: Phoenix, AZ, USA). Piano, accordion, fiddle,mandolin, tenor banjo, trumpet, vocals. I play a wide variety ofinternational folk styles including Scottish and Cape Breton, Balkan,Hungarian, Jewish East European. Have made several recordings of Scottish and internationalfolk dance music, including klezmer. Like to have fun.

Weintraub, Steve (dance, Atlanta, GA), is a nationally recognized authority onauthentic Eastern European dance and has a special gift for sharing thestyle, flavor, steps and figures of Yiddish dance. Besides leading dance atweddings and bnei mitzvah, Steve has been the Yiddish dance instructor atKlezKamp since '97, and with his dance partner, Sharona Rubinstein, hascreated dances for the Workman's Circle Cultural Seder for more than 10years. He takes special delight in putting the traditional wedding dancesinto context through the reconstruction of a turn of the century Jewishwedding..

Banjo Ayomide Joshua (@joshuabanjo) also known as Dew Praise, is an exceptional gospel worshippers, who believes that our essence of being is to worship God, as worship is the food of God. An undergraduate of the University of Lagos. ff782bc1db

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