So I just finished my second viewing of the entire show last week. One thing that stuck out to me second time round is a line that Wendy has. I can't remember the exact episode (at a guess it's one of the later seasons) or the exact quote but I do remember Wendy mentioning she was a crow-eater for awhile before she married Jax.

As far as I can tell, there is no mention throughout the entire show that Wendy was with another member besides Jax but the fact that she was a crow-eater means it's pretty likely that she was, right? I mean that's what crow-eaters do, stick around the club, lie with members and hope that one day they'll be a members old lady. Just wanted your guys opinion, maybe there is mention on it and I missed it maybe not.

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hello all you SA people is your nickname for Adelaide really Crow eaters like classic says? asking because sitting watching the game and hope Crows win as I have a strong passion to hate Port power. I hated them before found out that idiot Koshie was president now its set in stone.

Early settlers in South Australia were alleged to have eaten the breast meat of crows, parrots and cockatoos when there was a shortage of red meat. The term croweater entered the lexicon in the late 1800s. 006ab0faaa

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