Most stars on this list appear bright from Earth because they are nearby, not because they are intrinsically luminous. For a list which compensates for the distances, converting the apparent magnitude to the absolute magnitude, see the list of most luminous stars.

All of these stars have multiple valid names or catalogue designations. The table lists their Bayer designation and the most common proper name. Most of the proper names have been approved[8] by the Working Group on Star Names of the International Astronomical Union (IAU). Popular names which have not been approved by the IAU are omitted.

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On the other hand, in a really dark location, you may see thousands of stars glittering above you. But even then, some stars will be noticeably brighter than others, and the most luminous ones will be the same select few that city-dwellers see.

There's one other key factor that makes some stars brighter than others, and that's their temperature. Hot stars tend to produce more light than cooler ones. We can get a rough idea of a star's temperature based on its color. Blue stars are the hottest, followed by white, yellow and orange, and then finally red stars are the coolest.

To put this sequence on a more scientific footing, astronomers refer to the "spectral type" of a star, designated by a letter followed by a digit between 0 and 9. The letters, from the blue end to the red end, run O, B, A, F, G, K, M, and then the suffixed digits subdivide these into ten smaller steps. Our own sun, for example, is spectral type G2.

The reason is that it's in the "red giant" stage of its evolution, having swollen up to around 25 times the diameter of the sun (a similar fate awaits the sun itself, in several billion years' time). This, coupled with the fact that Arcturus is only 37 light-years away from us, makes it one of the brightest stars in the night sky.

Arcturus can be seen in the northern night sky the whole year round, and its proximity to the distinctive constellation of Ursa Major makes it easy to find. If you locate the stars making up the handle of the "Big Dipper", and then follow their direction away from the bowl of the dipper, you'll soon come to the star you want: "follow the arc to Arcturus", as the saying goes.

Alpha Centauri is the closest star system to the sun, little more than four light-years away. It actually consists of three separate stars, of which the brightest, Alpha Centauri A, is a G-type star similar in size, temperature and luminosity to our own sun. Its close companion, Alpha Centauri B, is a K-type star that's somewhat smaller, cooler and fainter.

Alpha Centauri is the most southerly of all the stars in this list, so it's really a sight for those in the southern hemisphere only. It's particularly prominent in places like Australia, where it's so high in the sky that it can be seen all year round, not too far from the distinctive Southern Cross.

Vega is a similar star to Sirius, with comparable mass, diameter and spectral type. However, it's around three times further away, at a distance of 25 light-years from us, so it doesn't look quite as bright in the sky. A

Capella actually consists of four stars, arranged in two pairs. The two brightest stars are similar in spectral type to the sun, but they're about ten times as big, while the other two are much smaller and dimmer red dwarfs. The whole system lies about 43 light-years away.

In the northern hemisphere, Capella is a prominent sight on Winter evenings, though it can also be seen at other times of the year. In color and brightness, it looks a little like the planet Mars but is located in the northern part of the sky where Mars would never actually be seen. If you can spot the constellation Auriga, then Capella is the brightest star in it.

Rigel belongs to one of the most easily recognized constellations in the sky, Orion. It's a familiar sight in the northern hemisphere, where it dominates the southern sky on clear winter evenings. If you think of the constellation as a stick figure of a human, then Rigel (from an Arabic word meaning "leg") is the bright star marking the figure's right leg.

The best time to see Procyon, for observers in the northern hemisphere, is in the evening during the winter or early spring months. At these times Procyon forms the prominent "winter triangle" in the southern sky, along with two other stars in this list, Sirius and Betelgeuse.

The simplest approach for beginners is to download a star-finding mobile app. Then you can just hold your phone up to the sky and it will tell you what you're looking at. Equally easy is a "go-to" telescope, which will automatically point at whatever star you tell it to.

An older approach is to use a star chart, which is basically just a map of the sky. But it's trickier to read than an ordinary map, because the portion of the sky that's visible changes from month to month. And because you're looking upwards, east is on the left and west on the right.

This method can be the most fun of all. You start by identifying a few of the brightest stars and noting the patterns they make. Then, based either on a star chart or instructions you've read, you use those patterns as a guide to finding the particular star you're looking for.

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Oh, the brightest star in the sky! Can you hear clearly,

The endless sighs from lonely souls looking up.

Will the brightest star in the night sky recall,

My companion, whose shadow melt into the wind.

Dear brightest star in the sky do you know,

Where art thou, shadow that enjoins two hearts.

Oh brightest star in the sky do you really care,

Whether the sun rises first or misfortune arrives.

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The Brightest Star in Paris is nonetheless beautiful. At times desperately sad and stark but with a loveliness to the prose that somehow, in spite of it all, highlights the lingering joy that prevailed in spite of it all, leading to a hard-won but blissfully contented HEA.

Kaetrin started reading romance as a teen and then took a long break, detouring into fantasy and thrillers. She returned to romance in 2008 and has been blogging since 2010. She reads contemporary, historical, a little paranormal, urban fantasy and romantic suspense, as well as erotic romance and more recently, new adult. She loves angsty books, funny books, long books and short books. The only thing mandatory is the HEA. Favourite authors include Mary Balogh, Susanna Kearsley, Joanna Bourne, Tammara Webber, Kristen Ashley, Shannon Stacey, Sarah Mayberry, JD Robb/Nora Roberts, KA Mitchell, Marie Sexton, Patricia Briggs, Ilona Andrews, just to name a few. You can find her on Twitter: @kaetrin67.

The following list contains the 100 brightest stars as seen from the earth at night. The information on magnitudes is taken from data obtained by the Hipparcos Satellite Catalog. Distance measurements are from the Observer's Handbook 2001, by The Royal Astronomical Society of Canada.

After getting Jack to the Royal Alexandra Hospital, the doctors managed to start his heart again but he was still unconscious. We knew early on that Jack was very sick but we did not know what with. All we did know was that the lack of oxygen to his brain had caused brain damage. Tests were run, a CT scan completed but there were no signs of a tumour or a haemorrhage. Despite the excellent doctors and nurses at the RAH, nobody knew what had caused this to happen to our gorgeous baby boy.

Sirius is almost twice as bright as Canopus, the next brightest star, which is most easily seen from the southern hemisphere (though it can be observed from Florida and Texas from January though March).

Anna May Wong was the first Chinese American actor to ever achieve Hollywood stardom, but that glittering fame came at a price. Stereotypes and tropes about Asian women gave her access to movie roles, but they also imprisoned her. Moviegoers recognized Anna May Wong as the dragon lady, the opium dealer and so often the sex worker.

TSUKIYAMA: That's no Chinese - she's got a black, coarse wig on. Her eyes are pulled up. You know, her face is all white with pink blush cheeks, a really ruby red lipstick. You know, it was a monster to her in the end, and she never forgot that, you know? So she accepts it later because she knows that this is how Hollywood at that time got people to go to the movies - that they saw that it was somebody famous. It was a white actress who was famous who was playing the Chinese star.

TSUKIYAMA: Yes. But, you know, being the first also lays the groundwork for the others to follow. And I don't think that Anna May Wong at that point thought that she was paving the way for anyone else. She just wanted to be a movie star. She just wanted to be a leading lady, you know, to make a good movie. And she was never given the opportunity in which she wanted until, I would say, in America - until "Shanghai Express" came.

TSUKIYAMA: I don't think she would have ever known, you know, down the line how she's being put as an example now until probably in 1961 - was it? - when Anna May Wong received her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. I think that's when she started to realize, I did make an impression. But, you know, it has taken this long, and it's not until now that someone like Michelle Yeoh has won the first Oscar. 17dc91bb1f

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