Back Pain Specialist Dr. Robert Duvall Reveals...

No more chiropractors... pills... or generic exercises! Instead, You Get a Proven System that's GUARANTEED to Work!

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From The Desk Of:

Robert V. Duvall, DTP, ATC

Dear Friend,

How much better would your life be if you could...

Get a full night's rest, without waking up sore...

Watch your favorite movie, then get up without stiffness...

Take off your shoes, without wincing in pain

Work in the garden... clean the house... or wash the car without hurting for days...

Or lift up your grandkids, without aching afterwards?

Sounds To Good To Be True... Doesn't It?

Well, it doesn't have to be!

And here's why…

My name is Dr. Robert Duvall of The Healthy Back Institute.

As a board certified medical physician with over 9 years of experience in researching and treating back pain, I know when a treatment I prescribe to my patients is genuinely improving their health.

And I'm here today to tell you that if you're enduring back pain… sciatica… or herniated discs that rob you of the simple pleasures in life, please know that...

You Are Not Suffering Alone!

In fact, according to researchers from the American Chiropractic Association, over 31 million Americans are experiencing back pain symptoms, this very minute.

And what's more, researchers from the the Mayo Clinic estimate that a whopping 80% of the population will experience back problems at some point in their lives.

Now, if you're like most folks, you've probably been told by your health care practitioner that overuse of your muscles... poor posture... and even your genetic history are the primary causes of your back pain.

Unfortunately, that's not quite the truth.

In fact, recent ground breaking data has proven that...

Most Doctors Are Wrong - DEAD WRONG!

It's absolutely true.

Health experts and back care specialists have found that the real, underlying cause of your back problems is actually not your posture... the amount you exercise... or your genetic history at all.

On the contrary, it's a little known imbalance in your body that's wreaking havoc on your muscles... joints... and tissues right now at this very moment.

Let me explain...

The Hidden Cause of Nearly Every Case of Back Pain... Sciatica... and Herniated Discs – REVEALED!

You see, back pain doesn't just happen overnight. While the pain may seem to appear suddenly, the fact is, the problem has been developing for months – or probably even years!

The real reason you have back pain is because your body and spine have been pulled out of their normal positions and into what are called physical dysfunctions.

Physical dysfunctions are abnormalities in how your body operates. And they're caused by imbalances between various muscle groups – called "muscle imbalances".

And these muscle imbalances are the hidden cause of nearly every case of back pain you're experiencing.

Here's What Happens

When Your Muscles Are Out of Balance...

Simply put, a muscle imbalance occurs when one muscle (or group of muscles) works harder than they should... while other muscles... don't work hard enough!



As a result, you can experience host of problems including lower back pain... sore, achy joints... poor posture... chronic fatigue... low energy levels and MUCH more!

You see, the muscles in your body work in balanced symmetry – much like the wheels of a car.

When the wheels are out of balance, you'll begin to notice uneven wear on the tires.

The car will start to pull to one side... you'll get poor gas mileage... and you run the risk of doing permanent, of a complete tire blowout!

The same is true with the muscles in your body. When some muscles don't function as they should, the others have to pick up the slack. And that throws them completely out of whack.

And when your muscles are out of balance, they pull your bones and joints out of their normal position – and this places them under constant and uneven stress and strain.

Right now, you may be suffering from a muscle imbalance, without evening knowing it!