
Campaign pin for William Jennings Byran in 1896


Welcome to The Bolshevik Panther. This is the official newsletter of Brodyn Funderburk, dedicated primarily to fighting the ongoing information war that is being waged internally by the United States.

Eugene V. Debs once said: "This is a conflict between American manhood and British gold, between man and dollar." The goal of The Bolshevik Panther is to fight and win this conflict on behalf of the man and against the dollar. Power does not come from profits, it comes from people. Power to the people!

Note that this newsletter has various biases, and that the biases are to be acknowledged. This newsletter does support the political bids of any and all populist candidates who are willing to challenge the globalist status quo. This newsletter is also firmly Marxist-Leninist-Maoist and defends the following countries:

It's important to see things from opposing viewpoints, so at least give The Bolshevik Panther a read or two before ignoring it as fringe or extremist.