Starks finds himself playing the death game as the analyst he is. Reacting to what is happening around him and analysing the events, rarely with any time to think ahead and connect the dots necessary for him to find out who Mr R is, avoiding the suicide sentence or someone from being destroyed.

I think I might like this one, Anne. I have just checked for it as an audiobook, but it looks like all of Katzenbach's audiobooks in itunes are in his native language, which I don't think I'll understand.

Whenever I see that you are reviewing another in this series, I open your page with some anticipation. I love the opening of this one. As a mother, I know I can be blamed for all my children's ills (not that they have any, of course). It is some responsibility we take on, but hey, we do our best. What more is there to be done?

I like the reference to embracing the "image of knowledge without the actual hard work of gaining insight". I think that could apply in many instances and I dare say I need plead guilty for the times (often) I have been an armchair philosopher and/or psychoanalyst. 

I agree with your point about the level of experience and training applied in situations where needs may be the greatest or most complex. First year graduate teachers are often placed in early childhood classes because they are considered the "easiest". That they are the most important doesn't seem to rate.

What a great stimulus for this book - guess who I am Rumpelstiltskin! Or I'll murder 52 relatives! He must have a large family which, I'm sure, would have given him many opportunities for amateur psychoanalysis. I wonder can he choose the order of their demise. Just kidding!

Thanks for sharing this one. It has me intrigued. :)

The Analyst John Katzenbach Pdf Free Download


Thanks for your lovely reply, Anne. While I'm the first to boast that my children are perfect, I'm also the first to admit that they don't take after me! :)

I knew the reference was to 'celebrity' analysts but, although I am far from a celebrity, I did see a little of me reflected in there.

I think it is a total misconception that early years learners are the easiest to teach and that the quality of the teacher doesn't matter. I guess some of the upper years may be difficult to teach if students have learned to disengage by then, a sad state of affairs.

I don't know what to make of John Katzenbach. Most books in iTunes and on Amazon seemed to be in another language, but Wikipedia says he is American. Are there two?

Thanks for checking with the publisher on Twitter. I'd love it for my next audio-read. :)

LOL, Charli, actually now you point it out, I'm surprised how little therapists get threatened by clients and ex-clients, although, when it happens, it's pretty scary. 

The character of the analyst does change quite radically about halfway through (in fact, it's almost two separate books, and certainly long enough for that) when he's rather less credible, but in a way that makes it a cracking read.

Here is the story of a psychoanalyst named Frederick Starks after receiving a very threatening letter, in which he says that he must kill himself, or else within 15 days he will slowly assassinate his entire family. So this doctor had to find out in a short time the identity of who wrote that letter.

In the letter they tell the psychoanalyst that killing him was not a challenge, so he asks him to commit suicide. But if he could discover the real author of the letter, he could be saved within 15 days, but he must also publish it in a newspaper. If he did not succeed, he must commit suicide, because if he did not, the author of the letter who called himself Rumplestiltskin, would kill every family member of the doctor.

Some time later, the psychoanalyst publishes in the newspaper in which he communicates to the author of the letter that he won the game, so he supposedly drowned in the sea, and left his clothes on the shore. This news was made known to all. After his death, this doctor had to change his identity, and his name was changed to Richard Lively, who was a homeless man with HIV, but did not disclose it. But he wanted revenge on the one who had ruined his life.

Dr. Frederick Starks, a New York psychoanalyst, has just received a mysterious, threatening letter. Now he finds himself in the middle of a horrific game designed by a man who calls himself Rumplestiltskin. The rules: in two weeks, Starks must guess his tormentor's identity. If Starks succeeds, he goes free. If he fails, Rumplestiltskin will destroy, one by one, fifty-two of Dr. Starks' loved ones--unless the good doctor agrees to kill himself. In a blistering race against time, Starks' is at the mercy of a psychopath's devious game of vengeance. He must find a way to stop the madman--before he himself is driven mad...

The psychoanalyst is plunged into a horrific game designed by a man who calls himself Rumplestiltskin. In two weeks, Starks must guess the man's identity and the source of his fury. If he succeeds, he goes free. If he fails, Rumplestiltskin will kill one of Dr. Starks' loved ones each week. He needs to find a way to stop him. 006ab0faaa

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