Privacy Policy

The provisions of this Privacy Policy, where Tie Game Studio  collects and uses any information that you (the user) provides any information with any The Adventure  game or application (the "Service"). This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by Tie Game Studio. By using our services, users agree to collect and use your personal information in this Privacy Policy. Tie Game Studio can be modified by changing the privacy policy from time to time; therefore, we encourage users to frequently consult the privacy policy.

We dont use any Permissions for this app.

We may allow other third party companies to serve ads in our services, providing users with experience analysis services or other services. These companies may use cookies, website beacons, user account information (user settings with these companies) and other technologies to collect our services to your personal information, other online services such as IP addresses, your mobile devices, convert information The identifier, the browser's usage, and the page are already accessible. This information can be used to provide advertising and content based on the user & apos; s interest, better understanding of the use of services from users and the ability to analyze and track data. These third-party companies can also share information with their customers and customers. This Privacy Policy does not apply and we are not responsible for third party cookies, web beacons, or other tracking techniques. 

When you install your games and apps, we will not collect and record any information.

By using games games and applications, you agree to the terms of this policy. If you do not have this policy to accept the terms, please do not use our games and apps. The continued use of our products after any revision of this Privacy Policy will be treated as acceptance of your changes and / or new terms.

contact us

If you have any questions about this privacy policy, you can contact us in the following ways.
