Have any of you read these books? Do you have an opinion of the advice they give? They really push for you to invest in real estate, almost so much that it seems like the author would have something to gain if I invest in real estate, which is why he's saying it's so good to invest in it. Almost seems too good to be true. But I don't think the author would gain anything if readers invest in real estate. In actuality, I'd imagine we would just be competition and could theoretically hurt him if we invested.

The market size of the global real estate sector was worth $3.69 trillion in 2021. Real estate experts predict that the sector will expand at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 5.2 percent from 2022 to 2030.

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Even after choosing an area of real estate to invest in, you must decide on a strategy to maximize your investment. Also, real estate is a highly competitive sector; you must be on top of your game to beat the competition.

Governments offer real estate investors several tax incentives because they provide housing. These benefits translate to significant cost savings, thus increasing your earnings. Some tax benefits to anticipate from your real estate investment properties include:

When fixing and flipping property, you buy run-down properties, fix them to increase their value, then sell them at a profit. Wholesaling entails finding good real estate deals and reselling properties you buy at a small markup.

Seasoned real estate investors keep abreast of market trends and mortgage rates. They also research changes in consumer preferences and spending habits. This information helps them identify risks and creates expansion opportunities.

If you have been investing in real estate for a long time, you are likely very knowledgeable about the workings of the real estate sector. In this case, investing in one geographic area limits your growth potential.

Research the markets in other states or cities to spot opportunities to diversify your investments. By learning about real estate markets outside your local area, you expand your pool of potential investments. Thus, even when real estate is not doing well in one area, you can focus on another one.

If you use a fix-and-flip real estate strategy, give your property updates that increase its value. As you wait to sell your property, lease it to a tenant and take time finding a buyer. Rental properties you sell with tenants are referred to as turnkey properties.

Investing in real estate involves a lot of factors, some of which you may not have adequate knowledge of. There is no point in struggling on your own when there are professionals with the knowledge you lack. If you want to be successful, leverage the skills of experts.

If you do not know the real estate market well, acquire the services of a property agent. Such a person will analyze the real estate market and give you recommendations that minimize your risks. Consult seasoned investors, or get someone to mentor you before making investment decisions.

The real estate cycle is circular, so recovery is not the first phase per se. Recovery occurs after a recession. At the onset of the recovery phase, real estate prices are low, and there are few new constructions.

During the expansion phase, the real estate market has wholly recovered from the recession. The economy is strong, and there is an increase in the demand for housing. This is the perfect time to sell properties you held onto during recovery.

As the demand for real estate properties rises, investors develop more properties to meet the supply. Eventually, the supply exceeds demand, and vacancies and rents start to reduce. During this time, investors rush to sell their properties for fear of making losses in the impending recession.

Take the opportunity to buy properties you believe will do well in the subsequent phases of the real estate cycle. Successful real estate investors use a buy-and-hold strategy during this phase, then wait to sell during expansion.

There are thousands of real estate investor networks across the country. Join those that have like-minded investors or offer you a chance to learn about areas that interest you. You will likely learn of many real estate investment opportunities through your network.

Do not just interact with other investors. It also helps to create a network of contractors and suppliers in the real estate industry. Always pay your dues on time to maintain a good relationship with contractors and suppliers.

Always keep your ear to the ground to find investment properties that yield the returns you want to gain in the real estate market. One way to take advantage of good deals is by looking out for property owners who are desperate to sell.

Unless you are a real estate agent, you may have a hard time accessing the MLS. Therefore, hire a real estate agent to help you look for properties that meet your real estate investment criteria. Alternatively, you can browse real estate websites for listed investment properties.

Your long-term success in real estate investment depends on your ability to gain in-depth knowledge. But, it is nearly impossible to build a significant level of understanding when dealing with several markets at a time.

Advertisements make real estate investing seem like an easy way to make quick money. But, it requires in-depth analysis, research, and focus. We hope that the above real estate investing tips have helped you feel more ready to venture into real estate investment.

Are you ready to make your first real estate investment and are looking for a finance partner? LendSimpli is an investor-friendly platform where you can access the funds to grow your real estate investment portfolio.

If you're interested in real estate investing, you may have noticed the lack of coverage it gets in mainstream financial media while stocks, bonds, and mutual funds are consistently touted as the safest and most profitable ways to invest. According to real estate guru Ken McElroy, that's because financial publications and TV and radio programs make the bulk of their money from advertising paid for by the very companies who provide such mainstream financial services. On the other hand, real estate investment is something you can do on your own - without a large amount of money upfront.

Picking up where he left off in the best-selling ABC's of Real Estate Investing, McElroy reveals the next essential lessons and information that no serious investor can afford to miss. Building on the foundation of real estate investment 101, McElroy tells listeners:

The reason for the title of this review is because although it is presented as a beginner's guide, I found that it actually mixes very basic concepts with very advanced ones, without distinguishing between the two. It is a great resource if you know enough to understand what applies to you based on your investment focus and experience level (which is probably why people on here love it), but I feel it would likely discourage an absolute beginner because it focuses so narrowly on the author's large-scale MFR investing.

The way he mixes beginner and advanced topics would be confusing if you were unfamiliar with property investment, and could be off-putting for someone who wants to start small and just learn what she would need to know to pick up a couple cash flow positive SFRs on the side. For example, the book goes through detailed instructions on topics that are essential for beginners (and everyone else), such as how to assess realistic repair costs and rental rates, and how to calculate yields, which in turn inform the value of a property.

Okay. So maybe my last question about real estate professional status and that is, is it retroactive? In other words, if somebody makes that election now in March of 2022, will that apply going forward or can that apply to last year?

Yeah. Yeah. So a couple things for material participation purposes, you and your spouse can combine your time. So my spouse and I, like I could spend 25 hours. She could spend 25 hours combined. We have 50 hours, our participation substantially, all the participation. We are materially participating, but for the purposes of the real estate professional status tests, one spouse has to meet those two tests, 750 hours more time than anywhere else completely on their own. So real estate professional status and material participation is a little bit different in terms of who or how you can combine time with spouses. But if one spouse is a real estate professional, the way that I like to think about it is your tax return is now a real estate professional status to hacks return. So both spouses get to benefit from the real estate professional status election.

So is that the strategy for someone who just simply cannot qualify real estate professional status is just to build a portfolio as big as they possibly can and just use the given depreciation schedule to lower that?

It is no cost, no obligation. My team is here to help you and answer your questions. Speaking of questions, if you have questions for me, I am going to be doing more Ask Marco episodes and you can just submit those to me from the passiverealestateinvesting.com website. Just click on Ask Marco. That is it for today. Remember to subscribe takes you two seconds, just click on the subscribe button on your computer or smartphone, help us spread the word, visit us on iTunes, leave us that rating and review. We greatly appreciate it. And that is it for today. Thank you for listening. We will see you all on our next episode.

You sell the property to the investor at a wholesale price, which is less than the market value. These properties are generally not publicly listed, so you allow real estate investors to acquire these properties without competing with other buyers.

While real estate wholesaling can require a lot of time, research, and networking, finding the right deals can be advantageous. There are three main advantages of becoming a real estate wholesaler: e24fc04721

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