Info for Sponsors 2020

1712_Spenden Aufruf_Call for Donations 2020.pdf

How to donate?

Donations can be made in cash or in kind.

In case a donation is made in cash the remittance can be made as follows:  

You can transfer your donations to a choice of accounts. 

 Important: For each donation, please be so kind and confirm (pay-in slip, screenshot) your bank transfer by Email to the treasurer of the Thai.GER Supporters Bangkok, Mr. Matthias STILL:

 Please add following information to your mail:  Name and full address of the donor, email address and the amount donated.


1.                  Account of Thai.GER Supporters Bangkok:

Please transfer your donation directly to our THAI.GER summary account at Krungsi Bank. 

We will forward your donation and you will get a payment confirmation.

Bank Reference Thai.GER Supporters Bangkok


2.                  Account for direct donations to “Mercy Center”:

You will receive a payment confirmation and a tax receipt by Mercy Centre according to the Thailand Taxation laws.

 In case a donation is made in kind:  

 Please contact us at to discuss details.