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The Foundation of Faith Church

There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off When life seems no way, there is a way for you. When you don't know who to trust, there is a God whom you can trust at all time. When life is surrounded by lies that hurts or disappoints you, cry not for the truth is found in Jesus, who loves you to the full extent.

Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth, and the life" (John 14:6). The answer of your life is found in Jesus. When you don't know what is ahead of your life, Jesus knows. When you don't know which direction benefits you, Jesus knows. When you are unsure whether what you are doing now is right or not, Jesus knows. Jesus is the answer of all. And, you are to know that Jesus cares about you. He loves you and *He wants the best for you.* He is here for you, not against you. Therefore, cast all your cares to the Lord (1 Peter 5:7).

Always know that *life has not come to an end yet. There is surely a future hope for you,* and your hope will not be cut off! Come on, your future is waiting for you! You will not stay in the problems forever; you will not stay in disappointments forever; you will not stay in illnesses forever because there is a hope. A hope that tells you that *water can turns into wine* when it is in the hand of Jesus; a hope that tells you that even the leprosy can be cleansed when it is in the hand of Jesus; a hope that tells you that even the blind can see when it is in the hand of Jesus; and a hope that tells you that even stormy seas can be calmed when Jesus is in the boat. Today, when you cast your life into the hand of Jesus, what is so difficult that you think Jesus cannot do? What is so big that Jesus cannot overcome? Let me tell you, the answer is nothing. *Nothing is too big that Jesus cannot overcome;* nothing is too difficult that Jesus cannot solves; no sea is too stormy that Jesus cannot calm and nothing.... nothing is above our almighty Jesus Christ. *When God is with you, who can stand against you?* (Romans 8:31).

Therefore, when you set your life before Jesus, you will not be shaken (Psalm 16:8). Always know that you can live a life more than a conqueror (Romans 8:27). Dwell under the wings of the Father and you will come to know that a better life is simply waiting for you.

-By. Pastor Vijay