ICML 2024 Workshop on 

Theoretical Foundations of Foundation Models

Workshop Summary

Recent advancements in generative foundation models (FMs) such as large language models (LLMs) and diffusion models have propelled the capability of deep neural models to seemingly magical heights. Yet, the soaring growth in the model size and capability has also led to pressing concerns surrounding such modern AI systems. The scaling of the models significantly increases their energy consumption and deployment cost. Overreliance on AI  may perpetuate existing inequalities and lead to widening discrimination against certain groups of people. The gap between the understanding of the internal workings of FMs and their empirical success has also reached an unprecedented level, hindering accountability and transparency. 

For decades, theoretical tools from statistics, information theory, and optimization have played a pivotal role in extracting information from unstructured data, which continues to hold true in the era of neural models, including FMs. Statistical principles have been key to developing rigorous approaches to responsible AI systems, such as privacy and fairness. Information theory, particularly language modeling and compression techniques underpin the design and capabilities of LLMs.  Optimization theory aids in selecting appropriate training algorithms for LLMs like Adam and second-order methods. Multi-objective learning with proper information divergences has advanced development in reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF), the core technique for language model alignment.

Currently, the rapid pace of FM development has outstripped theoretical investigation, creating a potential gap between theoretical researchers and the challenges surrounding FMs. This workshop proposes a platform for bringing together researchers and practitioners from the foundation model and theory communities (including statistics, information theory, optimization, and learning theory), to discuss advances and challenges in addressing these concerns, with a focus on the following three themes:

