Text Your Ex Back Book & Course Review

Not sure what to tell your ex to rekindle the lost love? Follow this Text your Ex Back review till the end. Understand the program first and the benefits of this guide. Find out more about the author and whether his proposed strategy works. Towards the end, you will also get to know what others say about the program to help you make an informed purchasing decision.

Text your Ex Back
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About 'Text Your Ex Back'

This is a relationship guidebook created by Michael Fiore to help people who want to win back their ex with impressive text messages. While it seems like a crazy guide, it is worth buying. The good things it has been written by an expert in relationships. Perhaps you want to learn from your past wrongdoings. Or maybe you need to deepen your current relationship. These goals are possible to achieve when you master the hacks that have been laid out by Michael Fiore.

About Michael Fiore

Michael Fiore is a well-known relationship expert with more than 15 years of experience in this field. He has helped many couples heal from heartbreaks and save their relations.

Who Should (Not) Buy the Course?

Do you believe that your reason for breaking up something that you can work out with your ex? The connection might have been intense but one of you made a silly mistake. Then this is the right course for you. Anyone can use it- both men and women.

However, if you are a serial cheater or abusive partner, this is not the book for you. Also, if you want to seduce your ex-partner just for a one night stand, look for something else. If you are expecting overnight results or have been physically abused by your ex, you might want some other help before buying the program. And if you are aiming to get back to your ex for vengeance, this guide is not for you. Michael Fiore designed the program only for people who desire healthier and happier relationships.

How Does it Work

The step-by-step handbook presents 11 modules that will drive you towards the outcomes. It uses various kinds of tests that can trigger emotional responses from an ex-boyfriend/girlfriend or spouse. Some parts of the messages are meant to fill them with jealousy. Others are designed to bring nostalgia over sweet memories. Yet, there are some texts in the directory that have the potential to revive the once-lost emotional connection between former partners. Such texts are so powerful that when applied correctly at the right time, they are bound to light up a forsaken intimate bond. The techniques can remind your ex-lover why they fell for you in the first place. This might convince them to give the relationship another chance.

Can Text Your Ex Back Repair a Relationship?

While there are countless relationship courses on the internet, none can measure up to the wisdom that Michael Fiore gives in this guidebook. It is not just about the simple texts that two love birds can send each other. The modules provide an insight into the psychology of a relationship.

This is the course you need to learn why some relationships never worked. You will also be in a position to pinpoint your weaknesses and your partner's. It is about making friendship work for good. This means you will be made aware of the things you need to change. More importantly, you will get a deep comprehension of why you should get back together with a former lover.

Is the Program Hard to Understand?

You won't find a simple and comprehensible relationship course like this one. Details are presented methodically and straightforwardly. You can even choose your preferred mode of learning- video, audio, or PDF. Furthermore, you are not limited to online modules. For your convenience, the author has made it possible to download the audio files and eBook. Then you may print your hard copy if you wish.

Are There Any Free Tips?

Want to take a glance at Michael Fiore's program before buying the course? Then watch the video that is on the official webpage. You will find free tips and tactics for winning your ex back. Above all, Michael makes the readers see where they may have gone wrong in their love affair. The video is a sneak peek of what to expect in the program. This should help you make up your mind on the purchase of the full package.

How to Use the Program in Real Life

You are free to use the materials and information offered on different platforms. Even though it is designed for text messaging, you can still use it in other forms of communication. This includes social media DMs and emails. Nonetheless, the creator recommends the use of normal text messages, no matter the level of technology.

Texting is a popular form of communication. Many people are comfortable sending texts as opposed to voice and video calls. Today, intimate partners feel more connected when sending their thoughts via tests. It is no wonder that a good percentage of people break up with text messages. It would still make sense to reconcile using text messages. It can be a short text and the best part is that you have the time to edit. Again, there is no pressure of sending an immediate reply. So you can choose to read, ignore, or reply when necessary and if you are comfortable.

Just in case the ex-partner is still resentful, they are more likely to ignore any form of contact from a phone call or a long email. But a simple text is not that bothersome. Note that the outcomes of sending a text depend on the message it carries. Other factors may affect the efficacy of this mode of communication. This is where Text Your Ex Back comes to the rescue. It teaches you the best way to use texts.

Lifetime Access

The fees for this program are payable once. After subscribing to this course, you will access your member area on the dashboard. This is where you find the materials for download. Then there is a community forum where people share their experiences and feelings when dealing with different situations. Here, you can ask for advice as you share your thoughts with a community that understands better the situation. Michael Fiore and his staff are always ready to give support when needed. A paid member gets lifetime access to all updates. If you manage to reconcile with an ex-partner in a short while, that is well and good. After all, it is the main goal of Michael Fiore's course.

Reasons to Try Text Your Ex Back

Life can be hectic sometimes with commitments that keep us fully occupied. As a result, we hardly find time to better our relationships or mend broken bonds. Instead of wondering all the time how to win love someone's heart all over again, you should try a relationship course to broaden your mindset. The guide will give you valuable advice even if your ex doesn't come running to your arms once again. The advice therein focuses on evaluating strengths and weaknesses to improve the attitude on relationships.

If you are considering subscribing to Text Your Ex Back, one valuable lesson you are about to learn is forgiveness. It doesn't mean that you bring up previous arguments. You will know how to move forward and take full responsibility for your mistakes. This is what sincere forgiveness entails.

Get ready for a fulfilling relationship in the future even if you cannot get the ex-lover back. Make use of the 60-day money-back guarantee if you feel there's nothing to gain from the modules.


The normal price is $157 but special offers and bonuses are given occasionally. Before purchasing, make sure you know what you have subscribed to. Expect 11 modules to be released gradually in a period of 30 days. So, you cannot brush over the entire content in one day to see if it suits your current needs. Michael Fiore is very confident about the effectiveness of his product. In case it doesn't meet your expectations, you can use the money-back guarantee feature valid for 60 days from the day of purchase.


Since there are countless reasons why relationships die, the program doesn't give a guarantee that you will kiss and make up with an ex. Some situations are irreconcilable and all you have to do is accept and move on. Note that the course is not a magic potion to make your ex desire you. You must be disciplined and committed to the program. Follow the exact steps offered by Fiore even though at some point it may become frustrating. Focus on your ultimate goal and you'll see it working.

Online Reviews

Every interested buyer keeps asking, 'Is Text Your Ex Back by Michael Fiore worth a buy?' To answer the question, we will use our own experience because we have tried it. Then after searching online what past subscribers say, we have found out that most of them attained excellent outcomes. Many got back with their exes. But a few who were looking for a rebound did not meet their desires.

Another user confessed that they found their soul partner after using the insights offered by Fiore. They went on to say that they will use the knowledge in the future if they ever tripped in a relationship. So, we give the course a 5/5/ star rating and highly recommend it to all who believe in love. Stop missing your ex when there is a way to get them back.

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