
August 15, 2024 

at ACL 2024

TextGraphs-17: Graph-based Methods for Natural Language Processing

A workshop co-located with the 62nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL-2024) in Bangkok, Thailand on August 15, 2024.  TextGraph fosters investigation of synergies between methods for text and graph processing. This edition focuses on the fusion of LLMs with KGs.

Workshop proceedings are available at ACL Anthology. Presentation with the summary of the workshop is available here

This year, we are honored to have Rada Mihalcea as the invited speaker at the TextGraphs workshop!

Workshop Description

For the past seventeen years, the workshops in the TextGraphs series have published and promoted the synergy between the field of Graph Theory (GT) and Natural Language Processing (NLP). The mix between the two started small, with graph-theoretical frameworks providing efficient and elegant solutions for NLP applications. Graph-based solutions initially focused on single-document part-of-speech tagging, word sense disambiguation, and semantic role labeling. They became progressively larger to include ontology learning and information extraction from large text collections. Nowadays, graph-based solutions also target Web-scale applications such as information propagation in social networks, rumor proliferation, e-reputation, multiple entity detection, language dynamics learning, and future events prediction, to name a few.

We plan to encourage the description of novel NLP problems or applications that have emerged in recent years, which can be enhanced with existing and new graph-based methods. We widen the workshop topics beyond the familiar graph domain, encompassing a broader range of less examined structured data domains as well. The seventeenth edition of the TextGraphs workshop aims to extend the focus on exploring rising topics of large language models (LLMs) prompting from the unique perspective of GT. Therefore, our workshop aims to foster stronger, mutually advantageous connections between NLP and structured data, tackling key challenges inherent in each field. 


TextGraphs-17 invites submissions on (but not limited to) the following topics:

Important Dates 

Papers due: May 7 May 14, 2024

Notification of acceptance: June 15, 2024 

Camera-ready papers due: July 1, 2024 

Conference date: August 15, 2024

All deadlines are  UTC-12; AoE 


We invite submissions of up to eight (8) pages maximum, plus bibliography for long papers and four (4) pages, plus bibliography, for short papers.

The ACL 2024 templates must be used; these are provided in LaTeX and also Microsoft Word format. Submissions will only be accepted in PDF format. 

This year, TextGraph submission is managed through OpenReview. Submit papers by the end of the deadline day (timezone is UTC-12; AoE) via the submission link on our site: https://openreview.net/group?id=aclweb.org/ACL/2024/Workshop/TextGraphs-17 

We recommend making authors aware of OpenReview's moderation policy for newly created profiles:

Accepted papers will be published by ACL Anthology. See the previous editions here: https://aclanthology.org/venues/textgraphs/   

Shared Task

We invite participation in the task of Knowledge Graph Question Answering (KGQA). We will ask the participants to analyze candidate answers with text and graph features. For each query-answer candidate, a graph characterizing paths in Wikidata from entity from the query to the answer entity will be given. See more details at the shared task web page

Testset and leaderboard are now released! Try to combine LLMs with KGs your way to make the best of text and graph representation by participation!

Keynote Talk

A Legacy of Graphs: Celebrating Dragomir Radev’s Contributions to 

Graph-Based Natural Language Processing 

Rada Mihalcea

University of Michigan 

2024-08-15 14:00:00 – Room: Centara Grand and Bangkok Convention Centre, Thailand 

Bio: Rada Mihalcea is the Janice M. Jenkins Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan and the Director of the Michigan Artificial Intelligence Lab. Her research interests are in natural language processing, with a focus on multimodal processing and computational social sciences. She is an ACM Fellow, a AAAI Fellow, and served as ACL President (2018–2022 Vice/Past). She is the recipient of a Sarah Goddard Power award (2019) for her contributions to diversity in science, and the recipient of a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers awarded by President Obama (2009). 




Please direct all questions and inquiries to our official e-mail address (textgraphsOC@gmail.com) or contact any of the organizers via their individual emails. You are also invited to join our Telegram group: https://t.me/+kRTCZYTrpJ5jZGVi