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Are there any basic text editors available that are just drop-dead simple, that allow me to instantly view the contents of a small text file? GEdit is nice, but it takes several seconds to start. I need something that is extreme bare-bones that doesn't have to load a bunch of features that can pop up and show the contents in the blink of an eye. Is there anything like that?

Text Viewer

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A text file is a kind of computer file that is structured as a sequence of lines of electronic text. A text file exists stored as data within a computer file system. Learn more about text at Wikipedia

I'd like to be able to view the contents of a very large text file. A bunch of people on here have asked the question in the context of an editor, but I don't need to edit, just view. I'd like to be able to jump to any point in a multi-gigabyte file instantly. (This should be possible if accurate line numbering is not required.)

Reason: My logger/debug module produce nicely rendered rich output with important sections colored using ANSI codes. This helps a lot when debugging on the serial terminal, but if I dump the debug to a file or copy-paste it into a text editor on Windows (interactive remote debug is not always viable), at best all the ANSI codes are stripped, at worst they are rendered as junk characters obscuring the real data. Rudimentary editing capabilities would be appreciated to be able to pick out specific parts, annotate, and so on.

It supports coloring and the bold escape is recognized but not displayed, although a special color can be assigned to it in the settings file. Also worth noting that this plugin shows text in read-only mode, and needs to be turned off if editing is necessary.

However, while it highlights the text in the correct color, it leaves the ANSI codes themselves in there (in a faded, near-background color) which probably will mess up any alignment formatting in the file, as well as making it harder to move around the file (lots of "empty space" to wade the cursor through, searching for a word won't match if there's an ansi code in the middle of it, etc.). There's a patch it can take advantage of to hide the codes too, but that would require patching and then recompiling vim itself from source.

Funnily enough, I thought usual Linux tools like 'nano', 'gedit', 'vim' and whatnot would have capabilities for ANSI color codes in a text file, but it's very modest out there with info on ANSI color in text files in these editors. I've only found info on ANSI color for the test editor 'joe':

The good thing - it seems what you need, if you need ANSI color in text, is to look for ASCII art / NFO utilities as recommended above - and the one that I finally found, and was working for me, was tetradraw (via ; can be sudo apt-get installed in Ubuntu ... actually, tetradraw is the name of the drawing/editor part - however there is a separate viewer that also works with ANSI color codes, tetraview).

Tired of searching I have finally found ANSIFilter (not the NotePad++ plugin refered by Jeffson), the only that works for me.I have added it to Windows context menu, so I can now easily open my ANSI text files.

This is an experiment to test, document, and refine ways to increase accessibility to American Folklife Center collections. Our initial tests focused on readily available spoken-word collections, which provide a baseline for potentially incorporating speech-to-text services into existing digital processing workflows to enhance search or accessibility.

Power BI custom visual had been migrated from custom gallery to office store. During the migrating, Power BI team checked of the vustom visuals, deleted some visuals which are used rarely and add some custom visuals. And Long text viewer visual is one of the deleted custom visual.

You need to recreate the section classed Container 660px in your case, just create a new one assign the class and drag all of your elements over. Then you can delete the empty Container 660px that will have nothing but the rogue text.

Hi everyone, how can I obtain the list of the extension of files that are shown in an interface by the document viewer?

I checked the documentation and there are no indications or lists about the formats allowed.

Despite what others here have already said: you can also open Text files (i.e. ".txt", aka plaintext) in the Document Viewer field. This is the only common file format (other than images) that I've confirmed can be previewed, beyond PDF files.

FWIW, For image files, I always recommend using a!imageField() instead (they'll open in the Document Preview field but it works a little weirdly). Some time ago I developed a tool that you can pass a file into, and it automatically checks whether the file type is previewable (and whether it's an image), and chooses the appropriate viewer. If it's not a previewable type, it simply displays a download link.

@mpboyle are you able to actually save edits in the HTML editor in the New Map Viewer? I found your thread because I am trying to update maps to the new viewer and don't seem to have the option to save edits in the HTML mode when configuring pop-ups. I can manipulate the text but the save button is greyed out.

I honestly haven't tried using the new map viewer since I encountered all the issues I was having in the custom HTML pop-up I listed above. Any web maps I create where I want to use custom HTML in the pop-up, I use the classic map viewer.

It's possible that Verizon has changed the way it formats bills. Two apparent contrasts 'twixt October and November are file size (older bills are in the 230 - 240 kB range, while newer bills run 310 - 340 kB) and color (old bills include red line work and accept text, but new ones are all black).

The Native Viewer displays an HTML rendering of the document that is as close to the original version of the document as possible. It also provides options for navigating through a single document and between documents in a document set. You can also conduct text searching, highlighting text to copy and paste, zooming, arranging, and saving pages you review in the Native Viewer. You also have the option to print single documents from the Native Viewer by saving the document as a PDF. For more information, see Create PDF.

While viewing a document in the Native Viewer, you have several right-click options, including the Copy option. Use this option to copy text from the document you are currently viewing and then paste it into another application.

Document Intelligence notifies you that there is hidden or annotated content present in the current document in the Native Viewer. This hidden content are the annotations and modifications tracked in certain document formats. For more information on the file types, see Tracking annotations. When hidden content is found in a document, a pop-up modal appears in the lower right corner. Highlighting and bordering is also visible in the Viewer where the changes were made and a annotation bar is available to sort and view each annotation. Once the notifications appear, you can then choose whether or not to view tracked changes, hidden text and comments in the Viewer.

When you switch to Extracted Text Viewer in the Viewer type tabs, you can access a drop-down menu on the right side of the Extracted Text tab where all extracted text and all long text fields on the field edit/creation page are available. See Creating and editing fields Creating fields in the Admin guide. The drop-down menu lists long-text fields that contain text for the current document open in the Viewer and those you have permissions to.

When a coding decision is made, the information in the Related Items card automatically refreshes. If there are two or more reviewers on the same document, a user can refresh this card by clicking on the Menu icon and selecting Refresh card.

To open the Thumbnail Viewer, click in the left drawer. The left drawer expands and displays the Thumbnail Viewer. Scroll up and down to navigate all pages in the open document and click a page to view it. As you scroll through the document, the thumbnail viewer scrolls simultaneously to keep the viewed pages in focus.

Document Intelligence notifies you that there is hidden or annotated content present in the current document in the Native Viewer. This hidden content are the annotations and modifications tracked in certain document formats. For more information on the file types, see Tracking annotations. When hidden content is found in a document, a pop-up modal appears in the lower-right corner. Highlighting and bordering is also visible in the Viewer where the changes were made and a annotation bar is available to sort and view each annotation. Once the notifications appear, you can then choose whether or not to view tracked changes, hidden text and comments in the Viewer.

When you switch to Extracted Text Viewer in the Viewer type tabs, you can access a drop-down menu on the right side of the Extracted Text tab where all extracted text and all long text fields on the field edit/creation page are available. See Creating and editing fields. The drop-down menu lists long-text fields that contain text for the current document open in the Viewer and those you have permissions to. 2351a5e196

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