The number of Linux text editors has been steadily rising over the past two decades. All Linux distributions come with a built-in text editor. But some editors add extra features or an easy-to-use interface.

This article provides a review of the most popular, feature-rich, and useful source-code Linux text editors. The list is ranked by how widely editors are used, and how many applications they can be used for.

Text Editor Linux Download


A text editor, also known as a code editor, is an application designed for coding and editing in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP and many other programming languages. Most editors come with features such as syntax highlighting, easy navigation, customizable interfaces, search and replace options, and so on.

Gedit is a text editor that comes with the GNOME desktop environment. The design emphasizes simplicity so gedit is a great editor for beginners. Even though simple in design, gedit is a powerful tool.

Pros: Visual Studio Code is lightweight but powerful, and it offers an extensive library of add-ons. These include additional programming language support, debuggers, and commands. This text editor is an excellent choice for developing JavaScript applications and working in cross-platform environments.

Cons: Compared to other text editors on this list, VSCode might not always run properly on Linux, especially Ubuntu. It is also known to use a lot of memory and CPU resources. Furthermore, it may run slower compared to other text editors.

GNU Emacs is a text/code editor for Linux professionals created by Richard Stallman, the founder of the GNU project. Emacs allows you to write code, display a manual, or draft an email from the same interface.

Geany works as a text editor, but its primary function is as an Integrated Desktop Environment (IDE). It is a lightweight GUI text editor with basic IDE features. Its primary purpose is to be tight and compact with short load times and limited dependencies on separate packages or external libraries on Linux.

Pros: Micro is a terminal-based text editor, which means it can run without a GUI. It also includes modern improvements, such as color-coded syntax, plugins, copy/paste, and undo/redo. When it runs in a graphical interface, it has a terminal emulator to execute commands directly.

A text editor is a must-have application for any operating system. We have no dearth of good text editors on Linux. There is Gedit for quick text note down, there is VS Code for writing codes and more.

Just as Vim, Emacs too comes with a steep learning curve. But once you master it, you can completely leverage its power. Emacs can handle just about any type of text file. The interface is customizable to suit your workflow. It supports macro recording and shortcuts as well.

Micro is an easy-to-use and highly customizable text editor. It also implements the universal copy/paste/save shortcuts (CTRL + C/V/S), which is rare in Linux terminal editors. Another cool offering from this text editor is its plugin system and internal command mode.

Helix editor is a rust-based terminal text editor, which is both fast and efficient in resources. It uses Tree-Sitter for syntax highlighting, which helps boost the speed. The built-in language server support provides context-aware completion, diagnostics, and code actions.

Helix editor offers several powerful tools, that can make it work like other editors like Vim and Emacs. On their website, they call themselves, a post-modern text editor, if Neovim is the modern Vim, then Helix is post-modern.

can somebody recommend a good Linux text editor for Windows (if it exists), I wrote scripts for C-Shell using txt editor of windows but I have problem, it doesn't run because windows is not UNIX, what can I do? I don't want to install linux for a few scripts, I do testing of my scripts via unix server (this server is not mine), thanks in advance, also I treed dos2unix command, also doesn't work

I've just migrated from ubuntu to Arch, so far so good.

I use abcde to rip CDs, and just tried to edit some metadata but I get Vim to do so; AFAIK you can't change the text editor in abcde options, so presumably it's just using a default text editor. How can I change this to nano?


The Vi application is the default text editor on most Linux systems, so it's the primary interface you will use when you need to edit a configuration file. If you're used to a graphical text editor, such as Notepad++ or VS Code, Vi can be confusing at first.

To enter insert mode, press i. In insert mode, you can type and edit text and use the arrow keys to navigate around your document. There's not much to say about insert mode. It's very much as its name advertises: In insert mode, you can insert text, so there's nothing to learn except, maybe, touch typing.

This post will dive into this important subject, discussing the most important considerations and highlighting the best Linux text editors. However, always keep in mind that there is no universally applicable solution. Your ideal text editor will vary depending on the specifics of your situation.

The functionality of a text editor is another significant factor to consider. The best text editor Linux is not just a tool to jot down and save text. It must support various features that can streamline your work and increase efficiency. Here are some core functionalities to look for:

Once you have a firm grasp of the basics, the next level in your quest for the perfect text editor is extensibility. In essence, extensibility refers to the capability of the text editor to be enhanced or altered via the use of add-ons, plugins, or extensions. This characteristic is particularly important for users whose work often necessitates unique functionalities beyond the conventional features.

In a diverse environment like Linux, users often juggle multiple programming languages. Hence, the best text editor Linux should be akin to a multitool, capable of accommodating many programming languages. This is where support for different programming languages becomes crucial.

Moreover, a thriving community usually means a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions, as previously mentioned. Many of these plugins are developed by community members and made available to others, thereby improving the overall functionality and versatility of the text editor.

Furthermore, community backing often plays a crucial role in steering the future direction of the text editor. Opinions, feedback, and even code contributions from community members can affect the progress and fine-tuning of the text editor. This ensures it stays relevant to the changing requirements of its users.

Features that stand out in Vim include its modal editing. Each mode provides different functionalities and command languages. These allow you to combine commands in a virtually limitless number of ways. This might seem daunting to beginners, but the reward is a highly personalized text editing experience.

Just remember, Vim requires a certain level of commitment to master. But once you do, you might find it to be the best Linux text editor for your needs. This is especially true if you value speed, efficiency, and customization above all else.

Shifting gears, we now move towards a text editor that embodies the concept of extensibility and customization: Emacs. A veteran in the field of text editors, Emacs has a long history and a massive, dedicated user base.

Text editors play a pivotal role in managing and configuring Linux servers. They serve as the primary tool to create, modify and manage various configuration files that determine the behavior of a Linux system. Choosing the right text editor can simplify these tasks significantly and improve productivity.

The choice of text editor, thus, can have a direct impact on the effectiveness of Linux server management. Do you find the bare-bones simplicity of Vim appealing? Perhaps you lean towards the extensible power of Emacs or the modern, user-friendly environment of Atom or Sublime Text. Regardless, the best text editor Linux is ultimately the one that fits your server management style and requirements.

When you first fire it up, FeatherPad doesn't look much different from most text editors out there. It does launch quickly, though. FeatherPad's features include automatic syntax highlighting of markup and coding languages, automatically closing brackets (again, useful when working with markup and coding languages), and an extensive set of keyboard shortcuts.

One feature that grew on me was the ability to position document tabs. In most text editors that open documents in separate tabs, those tabs appear along the top of the editor window. With FeatherPad, you can put tabs at the top, bottom, left, or right. I've found that putting the tabs on the left reduces visual clutter and distractions.

Code's configuration options are quite basic: you can set the font, indents, and enable text wrapping. For most of us, that's enough. With Code, you can focus on your work and not on tweaking options. That, for me, is the hallmark of a good tool.

You can't discount a lightweight editor for working in plain text. For some, lightweight text editors are ideal tools: they're small, they're fast, and they don't have a lot of cognitive overhead. They let you focus on your work. As I chronicle elsewhere on the web, maybe all you need to be as productive as you want to be is plain text.

I guess its because I started with Fedora and Gnome, that I love and use gEdit?...for all my text manipulation needs? That isn't to say I don't use other editors, but whenever possible? I remove the text editor that comes with some distros, and install gEdit. It just does everything I need it to do, without being over-the-top. And this is one of the reasons why I love Linux and the Open Source community so much!, the fact that anyone can install / remove whatever they want in order to make their environment more comfortable for themselves without worrying about "breaking" something is the best!! 2351a5e196

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