I am a Ph.D. Candidate at the University of Verona, Italy. My research activities are focused on Logic, artificial intelligence, and social Computing more precisely on Business Process Compliance to reduce Carbon footprint and environmental impact. I work under the supervision of Prof. Matteo Cristani. 

You can find my updated resume here 

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Research activities: 

 In the first part of my Ph.D., which I am currently working on, I am focusing on green AI, which entails establishing strategies to assure a decrease of the carbon footprint of current processes (process redesign) and building business processes that are a priori planned to minimize and maybe optimize the carbon footprint. My objective is to create machine learning models, symbolic AI techniques, and sensor-based data collection strategies that, when combined, allow for the gathering of data from processes throughout the life cycles of agriculture, industry, and energy production in order to create an automated method for verifying business processes that, in addition to ensuring accuracy, compliance, and goal achievement, also verifies environmental sustainability by enforcing predefined constraints.