Termux:tasker is a tasker plugin which allows us to run commands in termux. Termux has huge amount of packages that can be installed for different purposes (for example 7zip, ffmpeg, youtube-dl , etc etc).

Termux is no longer updated on play store due to newer android restrictions (on android>=10 binaries cannot be executed from data directory). Hence termux still targets sdk 28(android 9) so it can execute binaries. Updates for termux and termux:tasker will be released on f-droid only. For the same reason you cannot just put android binaries in tasker data folder and execute it because tasker targets sdk>28. This makes it necessary to utilize termux:tasker to automate commands involving binaries and linux packages.

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Step 1

Download termux and termux:tasker apps from fdroid. F droid is a repository of open source apps. Make sure both termux and termux:tasker are fdroid version and not play store. If you want to use termux available on play store you will need to buy and install termux:tasker from play store.

Step 4

In termux app, long press on terminal screen and paste. Then press enter key. This will make a tasker.sh script in termux directory. I have made this script for ease of use of this plugin for a normal user.

Step 5

Open your settings app, then "App and notifications" and open app info of tasker. Goto permissions. Scroll all the way down and click on "Additional permission". Allow the permission for "Run commands in Termux environment".

Step 8

Open tasker. Make a new task>plugins>tasker:termux . Open the configuration window of plugin. In executable type "tasker.sh" (quotes not included). In arguments type the name of file in /sdcard/Tasker directory that you want to execute. Here we are executing the "myscript.txt", so type "myscript.txt" in arguments field(quotes ARE included).

Create a new Tasker Action.In the resulting Select Action Category dialog, select Plugin.In the resulting dialog, select Termux:Tasker.Edit the configuration to specify the executable in ~/.termux/tasker/ to execute, and if it should be executed in the background (the default) or in a new terminal session.

Add support for session action for foreground commands. Valid values are defined by TermuxConstants.TERMUX_APP.TERMUX_SERVICE.VALUE_EXTRA_SESSION_ACTION_*, currently, between 0 and 3 at -app/blob/v0.117/termux-shared/src/main/java/com/termux/shared/termux/TermuxConstants.java#L856. (6f6ddd0d)

Add support for waiting for foreground session command results. Previously configured actions will behave the same, i.e wait for only background commands. For new or edited actions, the Wait for result for commands toggle value will be used to decide whether to wait for result of commands. It will apply to both foreground session and background commands. Note that for foreground commands, only the session transcript is returned which will contain both stdout and stderr combined in %stdout variable, basically anything sent to the the pseudo terminal /dev/pts, including PS1 prefixes for interactive sessions. For foreground commands that exited with failure will require termux-app version >=0.118 for sessions to automatically close without waiting for user to press enter as per termux/termux-app@c19e01fc. Closes #39. (fecba503)

Add launcher icon/activity that can optionally be disabled. This allows users to know if they have installed the termux plugin without having to go to android settings app list and should help reduce issues created when users shift termux installation source and get signatures do not match previously installed version errors. This is also required on some phones to allow the user to opt out the app from OEM background killers like DuraSpeed. Related issue termux/termux-widget#56. (8a78f282)

Add Day/Night theme support for EditConfigurationActivity based on night-mode termux.properties value. The stdin TextIOActivity will always use light theme since it doesn't currently support dark mode. Support will be added in future when termux-shared is updated with media viewer support. (b2cc90b6)

Use Logger provided by termux-shared for logging. Log level will not be got from SharedPreferences for each log entry but will be loaded from SharedPreferences into the Logger.CURRENT_LOG_LEVEL variable at application startup and also in FireReceiver which runs as a separate process and maintains separate Logger instance. The termux-app can also set the log level from its settings. (63e76458)

Use TermuxUtils and PackageUtils provided by termux-shared and remove existing TermuxUtils. The TermuxUtils.isTermuxAppAccessible() will also check if termux-tasker can access termux-app package Context. (63e76458)

Is there any way to run a command or root script via termux at boot on Android and bypass security settings for super user access.. If there was some way to access Android keychain and certificates and manipulate them when they run at boot with a script then you could possibly get root access but I am not sure how to code it

I am trying to run a python file in termux for use in tasker. The termux tasker plugin requires an executable (you can't just run a command like "python something.py"). However, running chmod +x results in operation not permitted.

Next, it's possible to invoke Tasker from Termux's command line (including from within a proot'd Linux instance). This post explains how. The mechanism in use here is Android intents. You can set up a Tasker profile to listen for net.dinglish.tasker.Xyz and then invoke:

users who have installed termux apps from the google playstore that playstore builds are deprecated and no longer supported. It is recommended that you shift to F-Droid or Github releases ff782bc1db

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