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Dr. Tensay H. Meles

Assistant Professor of Environmental Economics & Policy at University College Dublin (UCD).

PhD in Economics from University of Gothenburg (Sweden), MPhil from University of Oslo (Norway), and BA from Mekelle University (Tigray). 

Research Area: Intersections of energy and environmental economics, behavioral economics, and development economics.

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Twitter/X: @TENSAYHM

Email: tensay.meles1@ucd.ie

In collaboration with a number of colleagues, I currently work on building energy performance certificates, electricity markets and tariffs, environmental valuation, adoption of renewable energy technologies, and economic preferences & their temporal stability.

I have rich experience in designing and administering household and firm surveys in developing countries, particularly in Tanzania and Ethiopia. Several of my research has been published in peer-reviewed journals such as Environmental and Resource Economics, Energy Economics, and Energy Policy.