Alternatively you could use Google sheet to create a template and after you create the template and add the non-array tags you can add products on different rows by simply using Update a row module where you add your Products one by one on different rows.

Template strings provide simpler string substitutions as described inPEP 292. A primary use case for template strings is forinternationalization (i18n) since in that context, the simpler syntax andfunctionality makes it easier to translate than other built-in stringformatting facilities in Python. As an example of a library built on templatestrings for i18n, see theflufl.i18n package.

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Performs the template substitution, returning a new string. mapping isany dictionary-like object with keys that match the placeholders in thetemplate. Alternatively, you can provide keyword arguments, where thekeywords are the placeholders. When both mapping and kwds are givenand there are duplicates, the placeholders from kwds take precedence.

Advanced usage: you can derive subclasses of Template to customizethe placeholder syntax, delimiter character, or the entire regular expressionused to parse template strings. To do this, you can override these classattributes:

Modifying the pod template or switching to a new pod template has no direct effecton the Pods that already exist. If you change the pod template for a workloadresource, that resource needs to create replacement Pods that use the updated template.

For example, the StatefulSet controller ensures that the running Pods match the currentpod template for each StatefulSet object. If you edit the StatefulSet to change its podtemplate, the StatefulSet starts to create new Pods based on the updated template.Eventually, all of the old Pods are replaced with new Pods, and the update is complete.

Each workload resource implements its own rules for handling changes to the Pod template.If you want to read more about StatefulSet specifically, readUpdate strategy in the StatefulSet Basics tutorial.

On Nodes, the kubelet does notdirectly observe or manage any of the details around pod templates and updates; thosedetails are abstracted away. That abstraction and separation of concerns simplifiessystem semantics, and makes it feasible to extend the cluster's behavior withoutchanging existing code.

As mentioned in the previous section, when the Pod template for a workloadresource is changed, the controller creates new Pods based on the updatedtemplate instead of updating or patching the existing Pods.

By default, Tailwind includes grid-template-column utilities for creating basic grids with up to 12 equal width columns. You can customize these values by editing theme.gridTemplateColumns or theme.extend.gridTemplateColumns in your tailwind.config.js file.

Template literals are literals delimited with backtick (`) characters, allowing for multi-line strings, string interpolation with embedded expressions, and special constructs called tagged templates.

Template literals are sometimes informally called template strings, because they are used most commonly for string interpolation (to create strings by doing substitution of placeholders). However, a tagged template literal may not result in a string; it can be used with a custom tag function to perform whatever operations you want on the different parts of the template literal.

The string text that will become part of the template literal. Almost all characters are allowed literally, including line breaks and other whitespace characters. However, invalid escape sequences will cause a syntax error, unless a tag function is used.

To supply a function of your own, precede the template literal with a function name; the result is called a tagged template. In that case, the template literal is passed to your tag function, where you can then perform whatever operations you want on the different parts of the template literal.

In certain cases, nesting a template is the easiest (and perhaps more readable) way to have configurable strings. Within a backtick-delimited template, it is simple to allow inner backticks by using them inside an ${expression} placeholder within the template.

The tag does not have to be a plain identifier. You can use any expression with precedence greater than 16, which includes property access, function call, new expression, or even another tagged template literal.

Tagged templates should allow the embedding of languages (for example DSLs, or LaTeX), where other escapes sequences are common. Therefore, the syntax restriction of well-formed escape sequences is removed from tagged templates.

This page describes what an instance template is, when to use an instancetemplate, and what a deterministic instance template is. It also provides acomparison between regional and global instance templates.

If you need to make changes to the configuration,create a new instance template.You can create a template based on an existing instance template, or based on anexisting instance. You can alsooverride instance template fieldswhen creating a VM instance from an instance template.

To ensure that your instance template always create VMs with identicalconfiguration, set explicit properties in your template that reflect the exactconfiguration that you want. For example, if your template has a startup scriptthat fetches an app, specify the version of the app that you want in yourtemplate's startup script. Otherwise your VMs might not get the app version thatyou expect.

In an instance template, you might specify zonalresources, which restricts the use of that template to the zone where thatresource resides. Similarly, if you specify a regional resource in a globalinstance template, the template is restricted to that region. For example, ifyou include a read-only persistent disk fromus-central1-b in your instance template, you cannot use that template in anyother zone because that specific disk exists only in zone us-central1-b. Formore information about zonal resources, seeRegions and zones.

You can create a template from an existing repository. Anyone with access to the template repository can create a new repository based on the template with the same directory structure, branches, and files..

After you make your repository a template, anyone with access to the repository can generate a new repository with the same directory structure and files as your default branch. They can also choose to include all the other branches in your repository. Branches created from a template have unrelated histories, so you cannot create pull requests or merge between the branches. For more information, see "Creating a repository from a template."

A template is a special type of document containing the same fixed text for all documents created from the template, along with designated placeholderswhere other dynamic text can be placed. For example, a contract template might have fixed content, along with spots for the receiver's name, address, andother details. Your app can then merge customer-specific data into the templateto create finished documents.

For template documents the application defines and owns, createthe template using a dedicated account representing the application.Service accountsare a good choice and avoid complications with Google Workspace policies thatrestrict sharing.

When you create instances of documents from templates, always useend-user credentials. This gives users full control over theresulting document and prevents scaling issues related to per-userlimits in Drive.

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