I haven't really been following anything about 2k24 but i decided preorder it today. Do we know if there is any benefit to using a template other than just getting their animations? Like do you get a higher skill point cap or something? Also, do we know if it's possible to change animations at any point or are you stuck with their animations.

I want to make a tall sized single-player Maxwell sized character. So, the first question. Mainly since the character I want to make would be tall compared to the smaller other ones. So yeah, sounds like a lot of work but I want to try anyways.

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- using blank frames and get overriden with equipped item's symbol (That's why you use owner.AnimState:OverrideSymbol in onequip function in items - you replace a symbol in the player's build so that it becomes visible.)

Still, Spriter kinda doesn't work properly while adding other graphics from a symbol, I may look into it sometime. (In some cases it ignores existing symbol and makes a new one, internally, in its *.scml. It wouldn't be a problem if not for the fact that pivot placement is crucial in making a player animation.) It can be fixed by hand though, through editing the *.scml file manually.

For example, to get hand slot item's positions I had to find how the default symbol is named in animation files, then make my own item symbol with that name, then use its graphics with player animations to decompile them and then get position values, so that I could copy-paste them to the template.

Although, thank you, this seems like it will be very useful in creating custom animations. Question though, are the head parts or any parts that are the same for all players synched here, or do all of them need to be animated separately?

I'd be wary of possible exploits using the Young Template (eg. small characters planning to make use of reduce person) but if it fit the character concept of a player I trusted not to try and break my campaign, I'd probably let it fly.

The young template is supposed to be used for monsters. The young age category is supposed to be used for players, though it restricts access to only npc classes. Obviously as a GM you can decide to lift this, but it does prevent using the age category just for mechanical benefit as a default.

I normally agree tha templates are for NPC, but in THIS case: Cyclic Reincarnation

the spell explicitly says that a non-humanoid creature (example: aasimar, tiefling) can gain (75% chance) the Young Template when returns to live.

Example: Bob, an adult tiefling PC dies and is returned to live by Cyclic Incarnation in a young tieling; he is an adult in a young body.

By RAW, it must be used the Young Template, I am correct?

There's no doubt soccer is the most popular sport in the entire world, moving millions of dollars, euros, yens or whatever currency you're familiar with. If you are a great player, share your "portfolio" with everyone and let them know what teams you have played for, how many goals you've scored and the trophies you've won. It contains WordArt text, whose stroke can be edited.

I've created a Storyline player template which includes our logo. However, when I use the template for some reason the logo doesn't appear, it shows as just a white box. Even in the Player window it displays as if there is a logo there but as a blank... I've tried readding the logo and it will display but once I do a save to save the template and then use the template the logo is gone again.

Ok I did what you suggested. I deleated and readded my logo and saved it again in my templates. It stayed on the courses for like 2-3 days. This morning when I went back into Storyline to update a course it was gone again. It leave a white box in place of the logo. My logo is PNG. I will send to Support team link.

I remember of a template for Media Players in the dashboard that I can no longer find. The Music Player template doesn't fit the purpose. I need something with Power - Volume slider - Channel Up & Down - Channel Number - Channel Name.

When us developers, whether they be from Hubitat or the Community, are defining a new device driver we call out what "capabilities" the device driver implements, i.e. what type of device is it that the Hubitat platform recognises. So if we are implementing a switch we need to implement a switch attribute in the "Current States" section and "on" and "off" commands. This means that Hubitat know that they can check this "switch" state and call these "on" and "off" commands throughout the various built-in Apps and even Custom (User) Apps when selecting devices with this capability, including when selecting a dashboard template. By choosing a Swtich template it is expected the switch state attribute will be present and the on/off commands available to call when tapping the tile.

With the Switch template I can power on/off; with Music Player template I can set volume level through the slider and mute/unmute (next/prev doesn't work). So probably the device implement the attributes needed but without the right template you can't tell.

Enter "no" here to hide the file player for the first file (play2, play3, etc. can be used for subsequent files). To be used for some media files that cannot be displayed inline, to prevent a broken inline link from showing.

Enter "no" here to hide the "Problems playing this file? See media help." text at the bottom of the template. Must not be done on the first instance of the template; optional on subsequent instances of the template.

Enter "yes" here to remove most of the ornamentation (border, background, icon and help text) and the float/positioning of the template to give a minimalist version, allowing the user to use the custom CSS ("style") parameter to style and position the template.

NBA2K24 has brought a new feature to the builder on next gen called Build Templates. These are preset builds that resemble the playstyle of the player listed. These will help newer players who may be overwhelmed by the builder decide on what type of build they want to make. You can either customize the template to optimize the build in order to hit certain badge/animation thresholds, or create the player exactly how it is shown.

If you create the exact build template, you will get all of those player's animations right away, even if they don't meet the attribute threshold for that player. For example, Trae Young dribble style will take a 92 Speed with Ball, but his template only gets an 87, he will still be able to get the Trae Young dribble style even though he doesn't meet the requirement.

Good job Sean! I tried only .psd version and I have some insights. You did a great job on both socks and jersey, but I feel like helmet, gloves and pants need more work (more details on shadows and highlights... and definitely put all the Reebok logos on a separate layer)! Here's an example... I've used same color for all parts just to show you what I mean. Hope you can fix this, cause this would make one hell of a template

I am working on a Cincinnati Swarm Cross over concept and love how this template looks. I will post it here when I am finished with away and alternate concepts. I downloaded the photoshop version and was wondering if there is a way to make the hockey stick a separate layer. It is grouped in now with the pants and socks and skates. I know you are busy but I think that adjustment makes this template the best I have seen EVER!!!. The only thing not displayed is the Back of the Jersey with number and name. Maybe rotate the view to the back. Don't you love it when people make more work for you. You knocked this one way out of the park. Circle the bases Kirk Gibson style.

Hey Sean, I wanted you to see how I used your AWESOME ! template to create the latest Cincinnati Swarm Concept. I cleaned up some things and now have the ability to have Reebok lettering as a separate layer. Check out the skate. Did I do OK? I am still working on Alternate Home Color Scheme. Yellow Jersey and socks, Brown pants. I think this is turning out nicely. Thanks again for sharing your talent.

You have a winner template and that is what makes the concept stand out. Keep me posted on any user friendly update that you create and post to deviant art. Here is the latest Alt Jersey concept for the Swarm.

I feel like a kid at Christmas that won't stop playing with his new toy. Just wanted to show some of the possibilities of Sean's Kick Butt Template. This is addicting and I keep finding other ways to tweak it. On this latest 3 scheme version I found a neat honeycomb wallpaper and did away with the Swarm of Bees that was not really working for me. I also smudged and blurred the player shadow layer to make it look more realistic instead of cropped. See what you think. ff782bc1db

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