Just hour ago, I made another call and the agent kept saying 400(D)/300(U) seems right since the speed test took place from wireless device like my laptop/cellphone. But, he didn't seem to understand the fact that I logged into my Telus T3200m and did Speed Test from inside of the router.

Ignore the speedtest in the admin section of the T3200. It's broken. I get 362/273 from the T3200 speed test but 944/948 from speedtest.net when on a hardwired computer. What do you get if you run a speed test from a hardwired computer?

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I just set up this extender today with the tether app. All went well except my wifi 6 primary router (Telus) has 3 radios, 2.4, 5 mid, & 5 high. The tether app only allows 2 to be used so I randomly chose 2.4 & 5 mid. A speed test on a wifi 6 enabled phone gave about 180 Mbps on a gigabit fiber connection. Any known problems with this? TIA.

Thanks. The ISP router has only 1 SSID for all bands. On initial 5G setup in Tether the RE505x showed both 5G bands, I had to choose only 1. I'm not sure if using both is part of wifi 6 or not. When I go back in now it just shows the mac addresses of both 5G radios.2.4 is also connected & I have the option to auto stop 1 band to speed up the other turned on.

I just looked at the connect speed from the RE505x, 5G, from close to the extender. 816 Mbps up & down. It's 1200 up and down from near the main router. Pixel 8 phone, showing wifi 6 for router & extender. The extender is in that middle signal range from the main router. Hope this helps.

I set my wife up on Public Mobile and it is working well for her. However, I've noticed that the max download speeds are more limited than I was expecting. They're decent and more than sufficient for her, but still, not quite what I might have expected for Telus or Koodo. (She was on Koodo before.)

Thinking it might just be luck of the draw for wireless conditions right at those times tested, I looked online, and it seems a few people have done comparative tests between Public Mobile and Koodo side by side, and Public Mobile is consistently slower. Well, at best Public Mobile is sometimes similar, but most of the time Public Mobile is slower. For example, one test had two Galaxy S6 phones testing Koodo against Public Mobile tested side by side. Koodo was over 100 Mbps, but Public Mobile was 20ish Mbps. Others have done maybe 5 tests in a row with the same phone models and again, Public Mobile usually was slower. Furthermore, I have never seen a Public Mobile speed test benchmark out there hit over 100 Mbps. In fact, over 60 Mbps seems to be rare.

Are Koodo and Telus given priority over Public Mobile in terms of download (and upload speeds), or is Public Mobile actively throttled (but still provided LTE speeds)? Or is Public Mobile using a more limited LTE feature set? Or is this all just by chance? To be fair to Public Mobile, I don't think I've ever seen truly scientific speed test comparisons between Public Mobile vs Telus/Koodo.

BTW, my iPhone 7 Plus on Fido is consistently slower than Public Mobile on my wife's iPhone 6s for upload speeds in my house, with my Fido consistently in the 1.5-2.5 Mbps range, and her Public Mobile in the 8-15 Mbps range. That's a pretty huge difference, and I'd rather have the faster uploads. This is her iPhone 6s on Public Mobile, to show the decent uploads.

@imm1304 Yes, I got a second hand G4, which got stuck in a bootloop within a week, I tried to talk to LG but they refused since I was not the original buyer, so that got me a really bad impression about them, and really turned me off about LG products in general.

I loved the G4 in the 2 days I had it especially the camera but after this issue,it really made me look away, and the fact the FM radio was turned off and no great support on XDA just made the transition from it quicker, now looking for something else to replace my Galaxy S5

My G4, much like I had read online, entered a bootloop after 11 months of use. I called LG and they replaced the motherboard for free. The phone had to be sent to them for the repair and it took about 8 days.

The G5 is working great. I have had it for over 8 months as my daily driver. I put it through a lot of heavy usage. LG claims to have fixed the bootloop issue on the G5. While I was talking to LG on the pohne during the G4 bootloop issues, they told me that even if my LG phone is out of warranty and experiences the bootloop issue, they will fix it for free.. just give them a call. That reassurance was good enough for me and the G5 was selling at less than half price compared to its competitor S7 or the iphone.

Those are impressive speeds @purewater! Just be careful, high speed connection burns through data super fast. You may lose 150MB in one test. Here is my speedtest when I realised I had leftover data near the end of 90 days:

@sheytoon didn't get over to that area and didn't get much chance while I was in the Alberni & Thurlow area. But I did get over 90Mbps when I remembered to test at the Commercial-Broadway SkyTrain station on the way home. Not bad! I don't remember what band I was on but was showing around -80 dBm for RSRP on my LTE Discovery widget at the time, so must have been a decent signal.

I tested again from The Fish Company restaurant at the entrance of Granville Island yesterday and managed to his 76.68Mbps down and 17.57Mbps up. Definitely much higher than previous for me. I'll try agin from downtown tomorrow.

I am also seeing dramatic improvement. I think it was in April that I mentined that I got 78Mbps which was new to me. Now that I got test result of more than 130Mbps, I think it's safe to say that test, sheytoon's knowledge, and reports from other users confirms it.

132Mbps isn't bad at all considering that my phone theoretically maxes out at 150Mbps. I can't say exactly when this extreme boost in speed happened, but I don't believe things were this fast even a week ago. Unfortunately, I can't say for certain as I can't run the speedtest.net app on a regular basis or it would burn through by data amount very, very quickly. One test at these speeds is using up almost 200MB!

From what I see, the increase in speeds is very location dependent. I can't say if it's because tweaking was still being done, but in the past few days, speeds were often about the same as before or worse (but not better) for the few times I tried. I noticed that it's only a specific tower ID that seemed to give me the faster speed in my home area.

As sheytoon was saying, there is no Band I anything in Canada, so that's got to be bad app software programming. Carriers can't use a band that they aren't allowed to and that hasn't been allocated by industry Canada. Perhaps it's really Band 4? I ask that because many people often confuse the two because of the way Band IV is often written as 1700/2100.

We believe that it's a conflict of interest when Internet service providers operate their own speed tests. A third party opinion is necessary and the provider shouldn't be allowed anywhere near the process. When providers host their own speed tests they eliminate the variables that you're here to test. Namely the Internet route itself. This test is unbiased, it tests and grades all providers on the same criteria. They want you to think your connection is running perfectly... but is it really?

Do you want to research connection speed for TELUS? TestMy.net's Download Speed Test and Upload Speed Test log connection information to allow users to research real world Internet speed test results. TestMy.net's speed test database stores information on millions of Internet connections. This tool can average connection speed for any Internet provider, country or city in the world.So you can easily average speed test results, compare maximum speeds and research logged results for TELUS.

Other speed tests, especially tests offered by your Internet provider try to eliminate routing factors. This can make your connection appear faster than it really is. Truthfully, do you want to know how fast your connection is within your providers network or do you want to know how fast it is to the locations where the websites you visit are being hosted? TestMy.net is not a best case scenario connection test and will test your Internet under real world conditions. [read more] [hide text]

But your comment about my reception made me think. I usually never get more than 1 to 2 bars (very rarely 3 bars) no matter where I go. I am not well read on 5G, but could it be that my SIM card is the problem? Frankly I can't remember how old it is but I have never done a SIM swap - I just put in my old SIM card into any new device I buy (so it is probably pretty old). Would this affect 5G and reception?

I recommend going to a Telus or Koodo store (or a friend with a Telus/Koodo 5G plan) and complete a speed test on a 5G plan with one of their devices. Then test on your device. If the numbers deviate greatly, you can swap sims with each other to see if the issue follows the sim card.

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