Telmo Peixe

I am a Portuguese mathematician interested in Dynamical Systems and Evolutionary Game Theory. As an Assistant Professor in the Mathematics Department of ISEG - Lisbon School of Economics & Management, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal, I teach graduate, master and PhD courses in Mathematics. I am an Integrated researcher at CEMAPRE - Centro de Matemática Aplicada à Previsão e Decisão Económica, one of the members of the research consortium REM - Research in Economics and Mathematics, based at ISEG. I am also member of the LxDS - Lisbon Dynamical Systems Group.

Imagine, Share, Explore, and Give It All (I.S.E.G). We aim to inspire, innovate, and educate to shape a future that transcends expectations and transforms lives.”


BSc in Psychology, Universidade de Lisboa, 1999.
BSc in Mathematics, Universidade de Lisboa, 2008.
MSc in Mathematics (supervisor: Pedro Miguel Duarte), Universidade de Lisboa, 2010.
PhD in Mathematics (supervisor: Pedro Miguel Duarte), Universidade de Lisboa, 2015.

Research interests

- Dynamical Systems,

- Hamiltonian dynamics,

- Evolutionary Game Theory/Dynamic games,

- Lotka-Volterra systems and replicator equation,

- Applications to economics and biology.

Research IDs

- ORCID: 0000-0002-0344-5959

- ResearcherID: F-8725-2018

- Scopus Author ID: 55308107200

- Google Scholar

- ResearchGate

- Ciência ID 0B15-D219-AF59

Research projects

Member of the research projects

- CEMAPRE/REM UIDB/05069/2020

- New Trens in Lyapunov Exponents FCT PTDC/MAT-PUR/29126/2017


Flows on Polytopes - Mathematica code

(with P. Duarte)

We provide here the Mathematica code we had developed to explore the dynamics of polymatrix replicators for lower dimensional polytopes.


Book editor

(with João Lopes Dias, Pedro Duarte, José Pedro Gaivão, Silvius Klein, Jaqueline Siqueira, Maria Joana Torres)

in CIM Series in Mathematical Sciences, VII 179, Springer, 2023

Chapter in book

(with J. P. Pontes)

in Estudos de Homenagem a José da Costa Silva, Coleção Transversal, U.Porto Press, 2023

Monographs and other works

Jury member



Communications in Conferences


Events organization


Scholarships and awards

Pedagogical Training


   Rua do Quelhas 6, 1200-781 Lisboa, Portugal
Email: telmop at
Phone: (+351) 213 925 831
Office: 505, Quelhas 6 Building

You can visit my older Homepage!

Last update: 12-02-2025