Apply to participate

The application web site closed on Mar 29, 2019. Notification of acceptance was sent around 15th April, 2019

Workshop participation is competitive; limited space and funding means that in 2018 we could only accept about 1/3 of the applications.

Read the formal call for workshop participant applications here. The application website will close on Mar 29, 2019 .

A list of documents needed before you submit the application is as follows:

  1. A short statement of interest (maximum 3 paragraphs) along with a few keywords of your interests and experience. Indicate your likely topic area of interest and also what you could contribute to the workshop (e.g. toolbox) if any.
  2. Your CV. For masters or beginning PhD students, grade transcripts are needed.
  3. Two or more references will be needed. They will be asked to support your application.
  4. Other documents as outlined on the application website.

Accepted applicants must pay registration costs of $1500; their 3 weeks of shared room housing and workshop food (breakfast, occasional BBQs, and final banquet) are included in the registration. (Industry participants must pay full housing costs). Unless otherwise arranged with one of the organizers, we expect participants to stay for the entire duration of this three week workshop. Applicants will be informed of acceptance around end of April.

For European student applicants this year, there is an opportunity to apply for a fellowship through the EU funded NEUROTECH project. For more details, go here.

Read the formal call for applications here.

Application website is here.