Depending on the number of eyepieces selected (between 2 and 7), the simulator offers eyepieces to achieve various magnifications, ranging from minimum magnification toMaximum magnification. The choices offered make it possible to gradually equip themselves up to an "ideal" range of 7 eyepieces well staged and covering all magnifications from one extreme to the other.

This rule is not absolute: you can magnify less, but part of the light will be lost and, in the case of a telescope, a kind of black task may appear in the center of the image because of the obstruction of the secondary mirror.

Telescope Simulator


The simulator takes into account, to some extent, the resolution of the instrument as a function of its diameter. Thus, the Moon or Saturn will appear more detailed with a telescope of 300 mm, for example, than with a telescope of 114 mm.

As someone relatively new to the hobby, and owning just one scope, i was wondering if someone knew of a good telescope simulator where bortle effect is included, that way i would be more confident in making an investment into another scope (current one is just 80mm).

I'm in Bortle 7 zone. My 8" Dob shows most of Messier objects except the dimmest ones, e.g. galaxies with surface brightness less than ~12.5m when sky transparency cooperates. My 4" ED doublet is better in terms of contrast, good on planets and the Moon, but overall shows less, it's just law of physics. Larger aperture even in light polluted skies shows more than smaller one. I agree with weis 14, 8-10" Dob would be nice. But a lot depends on how far you have to carry it to your observing spot, so it always is a balance between the scope size/weight and convenience. The best telescope is one that will be actually used rather than collect dust in the far corner of your house. In some situations Grab-n-Go scope can be prefferable if you want and can transport it (e.g. in a backpack, bag) to a darker sky zone. In this situations SCT or Mak may fit the bill better than Dob due to smaller OTA size and portability. You just need to weigh all your options carefully and choose the largest aperture you feel easy to handle, IMO.

I have Stellarium v0.11.0 and was wondering if there's a way to get it to show me a simulated view of what I'd see of the night sky looking through a specific telescope? I'd like to set it up so that it simulates my Celestron NexStar 4SE if poss.

AOLI, Adaptive Optics Lucky Imager, is the next generation of extremely high resolution instruments in the optical range, combining the two more promising techniques: Adaptive optics and lucky imaging. The possibility of reaching fainter objects at maximum resolution implies a better use of weak energy on each lucky image. AOLI aims to achieve this by using an adaptive optics system to reduce the dispersion that seeing causes on the spot and therefore increasing the number of optimal images to accumulate, maximizing the efficiency of the lucky imaging technique. The complexity of developments in hardware, control and software for in-site telescope tests claim for a system to simulate the telescope performance. This paper outlines the requirements and a concept/preliminary design for the William Herschel Telescope (WHT) and atmospheric turbulence simulator. The design consists of pupil resemble, a variable intensity point source, phase plates and a focal plane mask to assist in the alignment, diagnostics and calibration of AOLI wavefront sensor, AO loop and science detectors, as well as enabling stand-alone test operation of AOLI.

Decades of testing went into the materials, design, and processes needed to develop the largest telescope in space. However, the whole project was too complex to test on the ground, at scale, at minus 400 degrees Fahrenheit, and in other space-like conditions.

Instead, engineers relied on software simulations to understand how the telescope would behave under different in-space conditions, and that work has helped advance the whole field of integrated computer modeling.

.Elliott used OpticStudio to support the Webb telescope while working for NASA contractors, beginning in the early 2000s, before starting work in 2015 for Zemax, which was bought in 2021 by Ansys Inc, which is headquartered in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania.

In addition to improvements made to OpticStudio during Webb telescope development, the company in 2021 introduced the Structural, Thermal, Analysis, and Results (STAR) module, which benefited from the knowledge Elliott gained working on the NASA project.

Future telescopes and other spacecraft are likely to involve elements of the Webb design. More will travel in segments that must self-assemble in space, and the development of the increasingly complicated robotics and optics will rely on improved modeling software.

Lots of newcomers wonder what they will see through the optics, so this link is to a telescope simulator, and it is very accurate as well as fully customisable to your needs, so once you have an idea of the telescope you want you just input the stats into this simulator and follow the guide to get as near as life view of the chosen celestial objects.

It lets you choose your telescope, eyepiece, barlow/reducer, etc. It also has a camera view so you can see what a given camera will show in its field of view. You can manually enter specs as well if your camera/eyepiece/telescope in the list. If I'd known about this site, I might have gone a different way with my camera, but I'm still getting good use from it and I will know better what I am looking for with my next purchase.

Wow, the Stelvision tool is awesome! If it's correct I can't wait to get my new telescope.

Pics of both my current scope (120mm f/8.3 refractor) and soon-to-arrive scope (250mm f/6.3 newt) with my 32mm 2" SWA EP.

Virtual Telescope predicts the signal-to-noise and other parameters of imaging and/or spectroscopic observations as a function of telescope size, detector noise, and other factors for the Next-Generation Space Telescope.

The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) is an astronomical observatory currently under construction. When completed, it is planned to be the world's largest optical/near-infrared extremely large telescope. Part of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) agency, it is located on top of Cerro Armazones in the Atacama Desert of northern Chile. The design consists of a reflecting telescope with a 39.3-metre-diameter (130-foot) segmented primary mirror and a 4.2 m (14 ft) diameter secondary mirror, an...

This package contains a detailed model of the space telescope. The model of this space telescope is with animation and rig. In this simulator you will be able to move in space with a telescope, as well as move different parts of the telescope according to real example. As shown in the pictures, There is an option to take screenshot from inside the project using unrealengine's built in screenshot tool. In the workflow I used to create the assets, the appropriate number of polygons are used to make this simulator run smoothly on almost all devices.

I am trying to slave the dome to the scope using a simulator for the scope. I am using LesveDomeNet. It slaves perfectly in MaxIm DL. When I enter the same slaving parameters in SGP it is not even close. The dome module reports the correct azimuth, but it is nowhere close to the azimuth of the target. How do I find out why that is so that I can correct the problem?

At this point, the results suggest, I think, that I may have no choice but to change the slaving parameters. Since they derive from measurements, I am unsure how to change them except by trial and error. The only other alternative I can see is to use scripts and try to command MaxIm DL to move the telescope and slave the dome. I do not know how to do that or even if it is possible.

Thank you, Chris, for looking at the driver code. That is reassuring to hear that the ASCOM Meade Classic telescope driver is reading the AlignmentMode from the mount, and, I presume passing it on to SGP, ASCOM Dome Control, and POTH. That is one less thing for me to worry about.

Based on those results, I spent about 3 hours this evening attempting to use SGP with the same parameters. The results were often unpredictable and wrong. At first I selected my actual camera and filter wheel, but later I just used simulators for everything except the telescope and the dome.

It appears that even though I have the option selected to slew upon sequence start, the telescope would not slew when I ran the sequence. If I clicked resume the sequence, then the scope would move. Also, when the scope was going to the Moon, the dome did not move. To avoid running into shutter cables I aborted the slew. When the dome did move, it moved too far. I resumed the scope move and the dome moved about 90* too far CCW. The Dome reported 73*, but the actual position was closer to 0*.

This is a simulation of a simple telescope, composed of a convex lens and a Galilean beam expander - which increases the telescope's angular resolution, thereby better separating the incoming light from two distant stars.

The CentraSight treatment program uses a tiny telescope, an FDA-approved medical device, which is implanted inside the eye to improve vision and quality of life for individuals affected by End-Stage AMD.

The telescope implant, about the size of a pea, is intended to improve distance and near vision in people who have lost central vision in both eyes because of End-Stage AMD. The telescope implant is surgically placed inside one eye. The implanted eye provides central vision; the other eye provides peripheral vision.

The telescope implant is not a cure for End-Stage AMD. It will not restore your vision to the level it was before you had AMD, and it will not completely correct your vision loss. Patients with this level of AMD have had to cease driving due to their vision; after the telescope procedure, although near and distance vision may improve, driving will not be possible because the implant does not restore normal vision. e24fc04721

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