The telegram integrationIntegrations connect and integrate Home Assistant with your devices, services, and more.[Learn more] uses Telegram to deliver notifications from Home Assistant to your Telegram application(s).

Method 4: You can also get the chat ID from the Home Assistant logs. If you have set up the bot already, you can send a message to your bot from an unauthorized ID and you will see an error entry in the log containing the ID.

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To enable Telegram notifications in your installation, add the following to your configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file.After changing the configuration.yamlThe configuration.yaml file is the main configuration file for Home Assistant. It lists the integrations to be loaded and their specific configurations. In some cases, the configuration needs to be edited manually directly in the configuration.yaml file. Most integrations can be configured in the UI.[Learn more] file, restart Home Assistant to apply the changes. To view the changes, go to Settings > Devices & services > Entities.

I'm wandering what the best practice is - i'd like to be able to click on links and open messaging apps - say in the mobile phone app in particular - perhaps by using links or the equivalenet - this all seems a bit fragile.

Creating these links automatically from an existing phone number doesn't seem to be possible. For Telegram, this would be technically possible but Telegram apparently locked this down to prevent fraud.

That means that you could create these links directly in your import file (by concatenating the link string with the phone number in a separate column for your custom single-line text property). Or you could use HubSpot's Zapier integration, send HubSpot contacts into a Google Sheets, assemble the link there, and send the contacts back into HubSpot.

Hey @fortyfoxes,

Adding instant messaging properties to your CRM can help you engage better with your customers and generate more leads.

Having a single line text field to capture messaging app information could be a way to go about it. However, if you are looking to add Telegram messaging capabilities to the CRM, you might want to check out NisWire: -chat/niswire-by-niswey-1086752

The is a HubSpot App Marketplace integration that brings together HUbSpot and Telegram, and basically allows you to send 1:1 Telegram messages to your contacts, right from within the HubSpot CRM. It opens up a chat window right in HubSpot, and you send text, image or multimedia messages to your contacts, that they receive on Telegram. And that, I believe, would solve your key requirement in a much more straightforward manner.

Besides, sending 1:1 Telegram messages from HubSpot, you can also use NisWire to:

- Enroll contact lists into HubSpot workflows and send Telegram messages - text and multimedia - in bulk, to you entire list

- Automate sending templated Telegram messages to your contacts, based on certain actions

- Send reminders, new content, offers etc to Telegram contacts, based on different HubSpot contact properties

- Send messages to Telegram channels or bot messages

- Track and view all your Telegram messages with your contacts in HubSpot, on the contact timeline.

- Every member in your marketing, sales, or customer service team will have the full context of every Telegram conversation with a contact, by viewing the contact timeline

Overall, NisWire can help you integrate the Telegram instant messaging channel and improve you teams' engagement with leads and customers.

I want to receive my live chat messages on my Android just like I see any messages. It used to do this but now it doesn't and the only way I know of a message is to check in the app. The problem with that is I am not live chatting and I am loosing potential clients.

I have an iPhone SE (2nd gen) and an iPhone SE (3rd gen) on which both the Telegram app and the Norton 360 app are installed. The Norton 360 app had been installed 24-48 hours when I got the notification (while using Telegram and all other apps were closed) on the 2nd gen iPhone. To this point, I have not received a similar notice on the 3rd gen iPhone. The Norton 360 app was installed while a Norton agent was on the phone with me, walking me through the setup. 

I have used the Telegram app daily (a minimum of 8 hours a day, 7 days a week) for at least 3 years, and I belong to several channels and groups that I interact with the other members of the groups/chats. I am owner of several groups, both public and private. I have never had reason to believe that anyone has had an unsafe experience when using Telegram. I posted the attached 3 screenshots in several of my groups to see if anyone else had received an "Unsafe" notice about Telegram. So far, the response has been "No."

So I would like for Norton to share with me and my fellow Telegram users why Norton recommends that we not use Telegram. If it is truly unsafe, I need to alert my online friends, but if there is no evidence pointing to a possible security risk by using the app, I don't believe anyone will take this one notification seriously.

As you are only seeing this on the older phone, one thing that might be involved is the iOS versions on the two phones. I believe the older iPhone SE (2nd gen) is stuck on iOS 15.x.x while the 3rd gen SE would be on iOS 16.x.x. What Norton may be detecting on the older OS is some security issue with the older iOS that has since been resolved in the latest iOS versions.

There is nothing in your screenshots that indicates this is a warning about the Telegram app. The warning is about a web page that an app you are using, or if you are using Safari to view some web site, that appears to have a malformed ad. The URL definitely looks like an ad. If it were the Telegram app itself accessing online content, the URL would include something like Why did this only show on one of your devices? The ad services rotate ads all the time, and it depends on when you access the app or web site as to what ads you would get delivered with the web content.

Thanks for the explanation. 

I was looking at my Telegram list of chats/groups I follow, when the warning popped up at the top of the screen. I attempted to get a screen shot, but the warning disappeared too quickly, so I had to look for it in the Notification Center, and that is where I took the screen shot. 

As I may have said previously, I rarely ever (and definitely not since the hacking incident a few weeks ago) use either iPhone for surfing the web (Safari), so I'm not sure where the ad would have come from. TG does not insert ads into feeds/chats (the way twitter & FB do). Is there any way to reverse the "allowing" of the ad that I did? 

It would be very helpful, especially for non-techie ppl such as myself, for alerts/warnings to avoid a particular website to actually include the name/url of the website/ad to avoid, don't you think?

To reverse the permission you granted, you will need to uninstall 360 from the phone, restart the phone and reinstall 360. Unfortunately, in iOS there is no option to just remove an app's data. Reinstalling takes care of that.

As to where it came from, I can only suggest that something in one of the messages you received had some unwanted code in it that tried to access the ad. Also in one of your images it shows a Twitter notification. If Twitter was running in the background at the time you got this warning, it could have come from there.

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Hello all.

Please suggest if there is a way to setup a password to authenticate sending further messages to telegram bot? For now i only found a way to filter with telegram nickname, but better way is with password.

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I am Tring to create a telegram post with image, but what I get is a link to the image file + the image, but clearly I would like to see only the image attached to the post, not the link to the airtable hosting as well

In January 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, Heinrich von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. This message helped draw the United States into the war and thus changed the course of history. Read more... 152ee80cbc

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