Hi, at least in my system, only the last one was necessary (Enable OpenGL ...) to solve the problem. But, anyway, the reason to write this is "it was", with the latest version of the repo telegram is working as expected.

After updating the looks of GNOME installation as described here, telegram-desktop (installed from Official repos, not from AUR) got some borders.If I use Style: kvantum or kvantum-dark I get borders, if I switch to anything else - borders are gone.

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From some time and some versions of Telegram Desktop my channels are not updating until I close the app and launch it again.

I have installed the last one release, but it is happening from the last 4 releases at least.

I have uninstalled it and installed again several times with no luck.

In my cellphone I see the channels update (the channel counter of unread messages), but with the flatpak app never do the update counter until I relauch the app.

It was working ok until 2-3 months ago. But strangely some of the channels I believe are updating properly or at least it seems gets some update of the counter messages.

My OS is Linux Mint 20.1.

Is this a general problem?

Hi razzeee:

I am saying that the channels I have has no update from the last 3 hours in any of the channels, but in my mobile phone 6 channels has updates and shows the number with the number of unread messages.

To get it updated I have to relaunch the application.

But I also installed (this morning) the app with apt-get install telegram-desktop, and have opened both at the same time, and, despite this second app updated one channel messages, the rest of the channels are neither updated.

So I am starting to think that can be a problem with the PC. But the weird thing is that it happen in my desktop pc an my laptop, both with the same OS and releases.

I started to download the videos of the groups I participate in, the downloads work very well

But I started to see that the free disk space was disappearing fast, even after I deleted the videos from my computer

I realized that the telegram was saving these files as a cache, because a video with more than 1gb it took to download and after the download I deleted the video and then put it to download the same video, it took 3 seconds for it to download

I looked in the edge settings if there was something to clear only the cache of the telegram application

I didn't find an option to just clean the telegram

There was an option to clear the hosted application data, but it was including all applications, there was no way to choose just the telegram

Both apps (the telegram-desktop app and the now installed flatpack app) show an empty space on top between the upper border of the app and the top status bar of the phone, marked with a red line below the 4G indicator. This is exactly the space missing below of the text input field. Is there a config way to shift the app a bit in direction top, like one would do with the mouse dragging it a bit up on a normal desktop?

When I set the display scale of the L5 desktop which is normally 200%, to 150% all is fine, i.e. bringing up the OSK, shifts the tg chat high enough to have the text input visible completely. Maybe I should live with the 175% setttings, at least if I want to use tg.

I saw there are various UDF libs for Telegram already (to my pleasure, I must say), but looks like they're for direct interaction with telegram API, so kinda to use them with a bot.

Unfortunately bot file management is severely limited in size of files (20mb compared to 4gb on premium normal user) and other aspects.

Therefore my last choice was to automate in some way telegram desktop in a way that directly interacts with the window (WinGetHandle, WinExists, etc etc.).

Unfortunately, probably due to the fact that as I understood telegram is packed with electron, and electron AFAIK just displays a webapp into an exe,, trying to use Window Info tool doesn't give any result beside a main window, which has the current chat name and a random number.

The only way to grab it is by classname like this:

But I'm unable to catch any other button/UI element info with the telegram application. They all give the same handle info of the main page.

I tried to disable/enable Spy++ detection logic but nothing changed.

This leaves me to 3 roads:

1) Maybe there is another way to detect the handles and I don't know?

2) Trying some injector ( -injector for example) to inject html/js directly and interact with it

I believe this is the one listed in Manjaro Official Repositories (pacman), correct me if that's not the case, but anyway: That recently started to crash very often when one or multiple messages are forwarded to somewhere.

About half of the forwards go through before the crash and in 2 of 3 cases telegram would crash. All the info that I can find is that some kind of SEGFAULT has occurred. Why that is, I'm not sure, I haven't even found the actual log file of this application yet.

Hi there. Has anyone encountered the problem of hanging Telegram Desktop when a message arrives? When a message arrives, the telegram freezes for 10-20 seconds, then returns the cursor. This problem has appeared since the purchase of this laptop. I didn't have this problem with my previous laptop.

The second Google result, an advertisement, led him straight to malware disguised as the desktop version of Telegram for Windows. It was convincing enough at first glance that Kirschner says he "almost fell for it myself."

It's a common ploy for malware distributors to use the same advertising tools that online merchants use to lure people. Google patrols its advertising ecosystem to stop abuse, but malvertising remains a persistent problem.

Although visiting one of those sites, telegramdesktop[dot]com, now triggers a warning from Google's Safe Browsing tool as being unsafe, two of the sites are still active and presumably duping others. Those are telegramdesktop[dot]net and telegramdesktop[dot]org. Kirschner has reported the sites to Google.

All three spoofed sites are clones of Telegram's website. All of the links on the cloned sites redirect to Telegram's legitimate domain, desktop.telegram.com. But one link is swapped out, which is purportedly the executable for the Windows version of Telegram desktop.

Kirschner says that whoever is running the sites made a few operational security mistakes that shed light on how successful the campaign has been. The .com and .net sites have seen 2,746 downloads of the malicious Windows executable, and a second-stage malware was then pushed down 129 times. The .org site snared 529 downloads in just two days, Kirschner says.

Whoever is behind the malware campaign used Bitbucket - a GitHub-like alternative from Atlassian - to host it. The software repository that held the malware was accessible, which allowed Kirschner to see the number of downloads.

"A repo probably was a bad choice for delivering malware since it's very verbose (download numbers, time and other documents)," Kirschner says. "The biggest opsec mistake was that they didn't clean one of the repo's metadata, which led me to discover commit messages and their e-mail [address]."

"I believe that it is the same threat actor or group since the TTPs [tactics, techniques and procedures] are the same, and all sites have been established in a very close timeframe using the same hoster and certificate authority," he says.

Hosting malware on services such as Bitbucket offers at least a temporary advantage: Bitbucket links on the surface are often considered legitimate, and attackers have a window of abuse until someone reports a malicious repository, which then must be removed. The methods help disguise a campaign from technical filtering and manual vetting but don't necessarily scale well, Kirschner says.

"The attackers leverage Bitbucket to easily update payloads and distribute many different types of malware at once," Cybereason wrote. "In order to evade detection, they have an array of user profiles and continuously update their repositories, at times as often as every hour."

Information Security Media Group noticed that kind of swapping behavior this week. On telegramdesktop[dot]org, the link to the malicious Windows file switched within two hours on Wednesday morning from being hosted on Bitbucket to another domain, tupdate[dot]net. The latter domain has now been suspended by its hosting provider, and Bitbucket has removed the malicious binaries.

The telegramdesktop[dot]com site appears to be on a shared hosting service in Moldova. "The web service promotes itself that it takes bitcoin as payment option, so it seems like a great hosting for criminals," Kirschner writes.

That domain was registered on Dec. 29, 2020, Kirschner says. But a search on the Internet Archive's Wayback Machine shows that around April 2018 telegramdesktop[dot]com redirected to telegram.org, the legitimate domain. In October 2018, however, the domain expired, according to records from DomainTools.

The malware hosted on the site, TGInstaller.exe, is a .NET executable. After that gets installed, the second-stage payload is AZORult, which is a common information stealer that appeared about five years ago and was first sold on underground Russian forums, according to the security firm Trend Micro.

AZORult is designed to pilfer login credentials, cryptocurrency wallets, Telegram messages and many items in Google's Chrome browser, including cookies, autofill information, passwords and location data.

In February 2020, IBM wrote that AZORult was delivered as part of another malvertising campaign that purported to offer ProtonVPN, the VPN service developed by Proton Technologies, which created ProtonMail.

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