Hi, at least in my system, only the last one was necessary (Enable OpenGL ...) to solve the problem. But, anyway, the reason to write this is "it was", with the latest version of the repo telegram is working as expected.

After updating the looks of GNOME installation as described here, telegram-desktop (installed from Official repos, not from AUR) got some borders.If I use Style: kvantum or kvantum-dark I get borders, if I switch to anything else - borders are gone.

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I started to download the videos of the groups I participate in, the downloads work very well

But I started to see that the free disk space was disappearing fast, even after I deleted the videos from my computer

I realized that the telegram was saving these files as a cache, because a video with more than 1gb it took to download and after the download I deleted the video and then put it to download the same video, it took 3 seconds for it to download

I looked in the edge settings if there was something to clear only the cache of the telegram application

I didn't find an option to just clean the telegram

There was an option to clear the hosted application data, but it was including all applications, there was no way to choose just the telegram


From some time and some versions of Telegram Desktop my channels are not updating until I close the app and launch it again.

I have installed the last one release, but it is happening from the last 4 releases at least.

I have uninstalled it and installed again several times with no luck.

In my cellphone I see the channels update (the channel counter of unread messages), but with the flatpak app never do the update counter until I relauch the app.

It was working ok until 2-3 months ago. But strangely some of the channels I believe are updating properly or at least it seems gets some update of the counter messages.

My OS is Linux Mint 20.1.

Is this a general problem?

Hi razzeee:

I am saying that the channels I have has no update from the last 3 hours in any of the channels, but in my mobile phone 6 channels has updates and shows the number with the number of unread messages.

To get it updated I have to relaunch the application.

But I also installed (this morning) the app with apt-get install telegram-desktop, and have opened both at the same time, and, despite this second app updated one channel messages, the rest of the channels are neither updated.

So I am starting to think that can be a problem with the PC. But the weird thing is that it happen in my desktop pc an my laptop, both with the same OS and releases.

SOMETIMES only, Telegram Desktop turns an image-pasting from the Windows Clipboard into an attachment. Usually it does not, and all is well, but at times, it stubbornly refuses to follow its usual excellent routine. Closing and re-opening telegram does not fix the problem. It seems to occur (most ?) when the image is of only 1 line of text.

I want to find out what is different at that time and/or remedy it. I have tried often and in different ways to consult the publishers, the Helpdesk and its forum without getting a response. I run x32Win10ProV20H2

The program is constantly updating itself so i am reluctant to uninstall and re-install. The suggestion to try and paste elsewhere when Telegram fails to paste, is an excellent one I will most certainly try.

Also, if you really are seeing the program trying to update itself more than just a few times over the last six months, maybe that is part of the problem - perhaps the updater is corrupt. So again, my advice stands. I would uninstall, reboot, then re-install.

I saw there are various UDF libs for Telegram already (to my pleasure, I must say), but looks like they're for direct interaction with telegram API, so kinda to use them with a bot.

Unfortunately bot file management is severely limited in size of files (20mb compared to 4gb on premium normal user) and other aspects.

Therefore my last choice was to automate in some way telegram desktop in a way that directly interacts with the window (WinGetHandle, WinExists, etc etc.).

Unfortunately, probably due to the fact that as I understood telegram is packed with electron, and electron AFAIK just displays a webapp into an exe,, trying to use Window Info tool doesn't give any result beside a main window, which has the current chat name and a random number.

The only way to grab it is by classname like this:

But I'm unable to catch any other button/UI element info with the telegram application. They all give the same handle info of the main page.

I tried to disable/enable Spy++ detection logic but nothing changed.

This leaves me to 3 roads:

1) Maybe there is another way to detect the handles and I don't know?

2) Trying some injector ( -injector for example) to inject html/js directly and interact with it

I believe this is the one listed in Manjaro Official Repositories (pacman), correct me if that's not the case, but anyway: That recently started to crash very often when one or multiple messages are forwarded to somewhere.

About half of the forwards go through before the crash and in 2 of 3 cases telegram would crash. All the info that I can find is that some kind of SEGFAULT has occurred. Why that is, I'm not sure, I haven't even found the actual log file of this application yet.

If you're using a computer running Windows, you can use the Telegram app or one of the Web versions available in your browser. These instructions are primarily intended for the Telegram for Windows app from the Microsoft Store. However, they are also suitable if you prefer to use the Web versions, e.g., web.telegram.org/k/ and web.telegram.org/z/ (hereafter referred to as K and Z respectively), but some settings might be missing and menu items named differently.

To log in to Telegram on a new device, you should scan a QR code with your phone or enter a code received by phone call or SMS. If cybercriminals want to hijack your account, they can intercept a message or incoming call and log in to the messenger in your place.

To protect yourself, enable two-factor authentication. If this feature is activated, when logging in to the app from a new device you should enter not only a code received via SMS or phone call, but also a password. Without the password, cybercriminals will not be able to enter the account, even if they intercept a message or call containing a code. To enable two-factor authentication:

If you logged in to Telegram on someone else's computer or phone and didn't log out, anyone will be able to read your messages and even write to people from your account. For your convenience, the app keeps a list of active sessions. Check the list and make sure that there are no extra devices connected:

If you leave your device unattended, anybody can take advantage of it and read your correspondence or write messages on your behalf. To prevent this, set a passcode in the privacy settings (this function is not available in Web version K).

When this feature is enabled, above the chat list you can see a padlock icon. If you need to move away from your computer, click the padlock and the application will be locked until you enter the passcode. Telegram will also ask for the passcode every time you launch the app.

To log in to Telegram on a new device, you can scan a QR code or enter a one-time code received by phone call or SMS. If you decide to change your number or you don't use it for a long time, at some point the operator will transfer the old number to someone else.

By default, only your contacts can see your phone number in Telegram. If you changed this setting and made your number visible to everybody, spammers or obsessive admirers could take advantage of this.

By default, the Telegram Web versions and Telegram for Windows sends notifications to your desktop about new messages, including private texts and sender names. If you're using the application in a public place, strangers might see your messages, and the same goes for colleagues at work. To hide this information in the app:

Even if the text and sender are hidden, notifications can still annoy you or distract from work. To completely turn off all alerts in the app, in the Notifications and Sounds section, turn off the toggle switch opposite Desktop notifications.

Telegram lets you upload photos and videos to use as profile pictures. By default, all Telegram users can see them. If you don't want strangers to know what you look like, you can make it so that only your contacts can see your profile photos and videos.

By default, only your contacts can call you in Telegram. If at some point you changed these settings and allowed anyone to call you, or you want to only communicate via messages even with close friends, you can block calls: 152ee80cbc

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