Technology of People

AND my own feeling is that armed people in the MOUNTAINS, and elsewhere, would want to experience the PROGRESS of COMMUNITIES


It BRINGS Income to Communities. It does NOT take Money out of the Community. 

Money CIRCULATES within the Community.

For example: Hourly flow of Money

Take TWO Sixth Class Municipalities, Ungkaya Pukan in Basilan, and Sibutu in Tawi-Tawi.

This Technology of People will produce 70 kilograms of salt per hour. 


Assume that the Project operates for 720 hours in one month, and goes on for 12 months. The lowest global price of clean salt is US$300 per metric ton. 

The current import price is US$550 per metric ton. The current exchange rate is 56 PhP per 1 US$.

2)  INCOME for one year from SALT ALONE. 

With these assumptions, it will produce 604.8 metric tons in one year, giving an income of US$181,440 in one year. Converted into Philippine Pesos, this is PhP10,160,640

Using the current salt import price of US$550 per metric ton, this income is PhP18,627,840

3)  COMPARISON to Annual Revenue of Municipalities. 

Both, Ungkaya Pukan, and Sibutu, are Sixth Class Municipalities with annual revenues of PhP92,943 for Ungkaya Pukan, and PhP338,653.50 for Sibutu. With this Project ALONE, a Community, like, Ungkaya Pukan, or Sibutu could produce 70 kilograms of SALT per hour, from seawater with a salinity of approximately 3.5%. 

At the lowest global price, PhP10 million is TWENTY NINE (29) times bigger than Sibutu's municipal income for one year. In Ungkaya Pukan, it is ONE HUNDRED SEVEN (109) times! 




5) But WAIT! 

This Is NOT all. We MUST ADD other revenues to the Income from Clean Salt. These are snap shots of other incomes to be ADDED:


NOTE: ALL the energy used is FREE, and are derived from exhaust gas from steam generator, from hot water that used its energy to preheat sea water, from the hot salt slurry, from exhaust heat of the ice-maker, and heat exhaust from the Lithium-Bromide absorption chiller.


Would the result of profitability a JUMP in their CLASSIFICATION as sixth class Municipalities? 

Do we expect First Class Municipalities (or beyond, maybe?).

7) In addition to Ungkaya Pukan and Sibutu.

Barangays, Towns, etc. along the 36,289-kilometer shorelines of the Philippines are there, too,. 

Lakes, brackish, and marshes, are also there for DRINKING WATER, with the other products, except SALT. In some sources of water, there might also be FERTILIZER, instead of salt.

What are the PRINCIPLES of this Technology of People?

1) First. 

Technologies use at MOST, ONLY 1/3rd of the Energy carried by the Fuel. Why should the remainder go to WASTE? Why should we pay for the WASTE with added PROFIT tucked into the electric bill? 

2) Second. 

We wIll RECOVER the WASTED Energy that is being thrown away, and this is usually 80% or more. This is high because the engines seldom operate at full load with efficiencies of approximately 30%. At an engine load of 25%, the efficiency chart for a specific engine may be only about 17% ( 

As recovered, this Energy is FREE! 

It is OURS and we become technologically INDEPENDENT! 

The technology here have been with us since we left the classrooms of the Mapua Institute of Technology (MIT) and shook hands with Dean Domingo S Mendoza of the College of Mechanical Engineering, MIT President Tomas B Mapua, and MIT Vice President Oscar B Mapua. It is TIME to see it bring the JOY of LEARNINGS to the Country.

3) Third. 

We bring to COMMUNITIES the Know-How to generate INCOME for their own PROSPERITY from their own Natural RESOURCES: Water from the sea, and from land. 


4) Fourth: 

We want to LOVE the Environment and SAVE it so that our DESCENDANTS and GRANDCHILDREN will have a HEALTHY ENVIRONMENT to live in.

5) Fifth. 

Spreading the Technology, WE are HELPING the whole COUNTRY through Health, Reduced Pollution from Carbon Dioxide, Home-Grown Technology with EFFICIENT production of electricity for Electric EV’s, Hybrid-Electric Tricycles, “pump boats”, Homes, Clean Drinking Water, Income from Salt production, Drying Processes for Fish, Rice Harvest, Coconut Copra becoming acceptable for EXPORT without Aflatoxin. 

6) Sixth. 

INDEPENDENCE is using only ONE FUEL for all these products!

NOT THIS   =====>

IMPACT of letting GO of dependence?

1) Electricity 

2) Reliability 

3) Recovered FREE ENERGY 

4) Reduce CARBON DIOXIDE Waste to the Environment 

5) Nurture Peaceful Relationships of People and Communities

6) Benefits of Electricity USE

            ▪ FARMING – Threshers and Rice Mills would be driven by batteries to provide CHEAPER running costs

            ▪ FISHERY FARM for fingerlings and marketable fishes, with air paddles and circulating pumps run by batteries

            ▪ Drive Ammonia Compressors to produce ICE, as an alternate for direct shaft drive

            ▪ Electric Motors driving Tricycles

            ▪ Electric Motors driving “pump boats” instead of engines

            ▪ Build ELECTRIC Tricycle without fuel-driven engine 

Existing TRICYCLES to be modified to become “hybrid-electric” by adding an electric motor on the wheel at the passenger side; very simple skills to learn; and no automation.

7) Food Preservation (via Environment-Friendly Ammonia and Lithium-Bromide)

            ▪ Freezers to be driven by batteries, or generator, or take power directly from the shaft to supply ICE to boats that go FISHING

            ▪ On-land chilling via Lithium-Bromide chillers to preserve and prevent spoilage, done through the use of FREE Energy

8) Drying from FREE Energy

            ▪ Newly harvested Palay or Corn 

            ▪ Coconut Copra to prevent the growth of Aflatoxins to become acceptable to importing countries like the European Union, because it will pass EU Standards

            ▪ Farm Produce like Fruits, Meats like Tapa

            ▪ Sea Catch like Danggit 

            ▪ And many more 

9) Community

            ▪ Arrest of spread of diseases through water, like ground water

            ▪ Slows down and eventually minimizes salt-water entry into the underground water table, or “aquifer”

            ▪ Community vehicle drivers and boat operators are 100% able to operate this new system. Practical-minded people, FILIPINOS without schooling, will be able to operate the System

            ▪ Technology is LOCALLY HOME-GROWN, where Electricity, Water, Salt, and Drying Energy are produced by using only ONE FUEL 


Charts for the Technology of People





The Process of the Recovery of the WASTED energy.