Tracking Hospitality Technology Trends to Boost Hotel Bookings

Summary As hotels seek avenues to increase their bookings, staycations are becoming increasingly popular. Here are great ways to market staycations at your hotel.

The hotel industry has faced a lot of challenges over the past year. One of these is trying to figure out ways to increase their guest bookings. With some opting to give cheaper rates and promote their offers, competition from Airbnb has made hotels go back to the drawing board on newer and fresher marketing campaigns. Attracting the attention of prospective guests already costs a fortune. While some marketers opt to give competitive rates and massive discounts, others go the technology route.

Why are the bookings low?

Corona Virus has definitely been to blame most of 2020. However, there are other factors that are making your bookings decrease. One of these is visibility. Few tourists have the time and money to deal with travel agents. Therefore, if your hotel is not visible enough, you are almost assured that the returns are not going to be as exciting. Using hotel technology and having plenty of data is one of the ways to track your business’s performance. Additionally, having a strong online presence to attract people through search engines is going to prove very beneficial.

To improve your online presence, perfect messaging is critical. Telling your story through images and words is an effective way to catch your prospective client's attention. What are your unique selling points? Is it the excellent staff, the breathtaking views, or the hospitality experience the hotel provides? Why should people stay at your hotel? The more personal your story, the more the viewer gets interested in booking your hotel for a staycation.

Know your customers

A majority of staycation customers are likely to only stay for a day, hence the need for data tracking technology. However, there is a chance to broaden your market and go for overnight guests. One way to do this is by offering short-term promotions such as "weekend getaways." Throw in a deal of activities for couples and families who want to get away from the house for the weekend without having to travel long distances and you will be on the track to getting better response.

What kind of experience are your customers looking for? While there are some who just want to sleep, there are others who want to play boardgames right after dinner. There are the others who want to work out. Still, others want to binge on Netflix the whole day during their staycation. One of the hottest hotel industry news trends is the return of staycations. How your hotel embraces and runs with these trends makes all the difference. To know the latest trends in the hospitality industry, Hospitality Upgrade has got you covered.