META SNAPSHOT #4 (Patch 10.7)

The Black Sun has finally arrived at Gwent. With the addition of 27 new cards, it has fresh out the entire meta, bringing us tons of new decks with each one having 90% of having Renfri as a key card, with Renfri being such a powerhouse itself, generating over 20 points itself on a regular basis.

Unit-only decks are brewed and created around Renfri, and it's actually cool to see a card so strong that the entire meta has to revolve around it (totally the first time that happens). Assimilate, Pirates and Handbuffs are some of the biggest winners in 10.7. But there's actually more on the table: each faction receives a brand-new scenario card that somewhat brings back some of the old archetypes, and we see that as a blessing (and not a curse).

So what are the cool kids of the current meta? That is exactly what we will be looking at through the meta snapshot today. Hop on right now ladies and gents, you don't wanna miss it.

Before we start, we're very sorry if you come across terms like Renfri Ass, Triss Butt or Pussy Spam and feel that they are inappropriate/ offensive. We just couldn't help it.

DOUBLE RENFRI ASS (imilate) [9]

What happens when a card is too strong? Easy, you play it more than once!

Ah yes, Nilfgaard and Assimilate, name a more iconic duo! Every time when a new expansion is introduced, Nilfgaard almost immediately becomes the hottest faction, simply because its identity is tied to playing cards from the opponent's faction. This time, they are playing your Renfri just because they can, and most likely much better than you!

While Renfri herself can easily play for over 20 points, it's crazy when this deck can play Renfri for 2, 3 or even 4 times on some occasions. This deck also omits Coup, Yennefer Invocation and some 4p special cards to enable Renfri. To help with consistency, 2 Blightmaker - Mage Assassin are used alongside Renfri's Gang and Triss Butterflies.

Explanation for some of the card choices:

  • Runemage to improve consistency of Renfri Curses and Blessings

  • Vilgefortz to replace Yennefer Invocation in the "tall removal" department

  • Assire and Roderick to play Renfri again

  • Peter to somewhat aids the "tall removal" department as a lot of decks are running Sunset Wanderers

  • Diviner to deal with Defenders or strong Infused abilities


For Reckless Flurry meta enjoyers, this one is for you!

Pirates are one of the archetypes that receive a lot of love from CDPR in this patch. With new cards like Seagulls, Deranged Corsair and Bjorn Stormursson, pirates are stronger than ever. And let us do a quick math calculation here: Strongly buffed archetype + Renfri = Meta!

This deck is quite easy to play as the cards are really straightforward: just deal damage to your enemies! Again, we can see Runemage and Triss Butterflies in the list, providing the necessary support for Renfri (and sometimes to draw Fucusya or Crach). Your job is quite easy: draw your Renfri, Fucusya and Crach. Try to create as many bloodthirsty as possible with Bjorn and Terror of the Seas in hand to have a bazillion points finisher.

The control aspect of the deck is so overwhelming that engine-heavy decks like Harmony or anything with NR can immediately forfeit if they queue into you.


Yes, you are not tripping: Handbuff is finally strong enough to be a tier 1 list of the meta!

The core of a standard handbuff deck usually consists of very few (if not zero) special cards, making the upgrade to a Renfri deck becomes very favourable.

However, this handbuff version isn't just handbuff. It's point-slammy, it has a lot of tempos, control and overall really hard to deal with. Farseers are definitely the bronzes you want to find earlier in the game. The top-end of the list uses Zoltan and Munro, arguably the best ST duos in recent patches. And look what have we here: the good old Geralt Igni making his way to the highest level of Gwent. Some might find the Vanilla Geralt to be a better choice but please trust us, our players have seen so many fives and sixes got destroyed by Igni leading to many close wins that we simply cannot leave out the card.

Thanks to the satisfaction of playing handbuff, it's no doubt that we're seeing so many varieties of it on ladder. In order to triumph in a mirror match, remember to not overcommit - a principle for almost all mirror match-ups. In addition, although losing last say could be a death sentence for Torque, first say is okay since you can be the first to set up the rowdy dwarves for Munro. Disabling their Munro could be the winning line in this case.


No Renfri? We must have been wrong about this one (Kappa).

Well, the name of the deck is quite self-explanatory: you play Sabbath twice and then you play a lot of Sir Scratch-A-Lot and then you win the game.

This is one of the greediest decks we have seen on the ladder and a lot of time, opponents cannot deal with all the threats within it. Your plan is to play the kitty, use AQ to consume the kitty, Urn of Shadows and then leader the AQ to create more kitties. In the deciding round, you will want to utilize a lot of kitties summoned back from Sabbath to trigger Koshchey and Eltibald to both (1) put a lot of points on your side of the board and (2) damage enemies with each card you play.

Explanation for some of the card choices:

  • Oneiromancy, Royal Decree and Arcane Tome are your consistency tools, allowing you to get all the combo pieces into your hand.

  • Xavier to eliminate strong cards in your opponent's graveyard before the Sabbath.

  • Cave Troll to protect your cats.

  • Aguara to unlock your cats since kitty at 6 or 8 is usually got locked instead of heatwave /destroyed /damaged until dead.

  • Alissa to put back the Sabbath.


Another Nilfgaard list makes it to the meta this month! Curse of the Black Sun confirmed!

If you look closely, it's another Renfri deck! (Yay). In fact, the core of the deck is almost exactly like the standard Hyperthin reveal that some Nilfgaard players use outside of Assimilate. You thin with Roach, Knickers, Impera Brigade, Hunting Pack and Renfri's Gang, before using leader with Snowdrop to thin out the remaining Affan and 2 Mage Assassins.

Coming into the deciding round, you have Triss Merigold, Yennefer Divination and Xarthisius, each could play for 3 to 20 points depending on the board state. You also have a Vilgefortz to "tall remove" or even ranged deploy to bring out your own Golem. In addition to that, you also have a Renfri that plays for 20+ points on Deploy as well. Hmm.. are we still missing something or not? Ahhh, Assire and Roderick for another Renfri, how could we forget!

Overall, this deck is definitely a powerhouse with so much point-slam value. It's not hard to end the game with 30 points difference in a 5-card-R3. To do that, you must win R1 and force your opponent into a short R3, where the reveal combos are ready to go.


Yep, "Harmoney"! It's intended, no worries!

Harmony, how long does anyone of us last seen a harmony deck on ladder? For some of us, it could be way back to 2019, when Mystic Echo was still a thing. However, with the Black Sun expansion and the huge buffs to the archetype, we finally get to see it again: Thrive in the Burza faction! Although the deck isn't 100% harmony, it has a lot of harmony units like 2 Fledglings, 2 Chameleons, 2 Antherions, Percival and Lake Guardian. These new cards are crazy good compared to the old cards and they play for a lot of tempos, which is the core of the deck - control tempo instead of being an engines-heavy one.

Aside from harmony, the movement aspect comes in with the leader ability, Milva and the Cat Witcher Saboteurs. The movement package improves the control department of the deck, which has always been missing in a list with harmony units. Since you are playing Renfri, it's okay to expend the leader ability before R3.

Explanation for some of the card choices:

  • Zoltan and Munro: control and tempo purposes

  • Saskia Commander: your key card towards a successful R1. Tempo and thinning in one single card.

  • Lake Guardian: a strong finisher like Gord, but doesn't require as much setup.


We see Renfri so we figure that the deck must be strong. It cannot be weak. Hence the place in the meta.

The deck is quite simple to play. First you draw your vampires. Then you play more vampires, and then you finish the game with a big vampire. Sounds easy enough, innit?

Fleders are the most important pieces of the combo. You will need at least one of them to survive to be okay in the points department. Make sure to grow your Regis every turn and finish the game with a huge Regis with hopefully Renfri into Curse of Gluttony (Boost Regis by its base power) - Go Big Or Go Home!

We prefer Igni over Vanilla Geralt simply because of the higher ceiling and the less probability of being a brick.


Don't play this deck. It's the most toxic deck in Gwent right now, literally.

Unlike the previous lists in the meta, this Poison Kekker pile is probably the hardest one to pilot due to the "so many lines of play" it has. Moreover, it is one engines-heavy deck that would fall off quickly if the opponent gets rid of a few key cards, most notably Roland or Bincy.

Being an engine deck, Poison Kekker has to include Azar for extra protection and Candle to empower some engines out of removal range. In a long round, the deck would excel if the engines live. The coolest engines are probably Treasure Huntress - Townsfolk - Bincy. This trio can get you coins and points while spreading them out evenly.

Explanation for some of the card choices:

  • Decree & Bank: gets you your key cards and backup targets for Kekker. As an engine deck, you gotta draw those engines and get them going as soon as you can.

  • Ciri: Nova - you are playing Kekker, so why not!

  • Roland & Gellert: key cards for a Poison deck.

  • Salamandra Hideout & Candle: artifacts to always enable the Kekker


Do you hate boosts? Do you like to destroy stuff? Stop looking around. You've found what needed to be found.

This hybrid precision strike list was on top of the world just last month, right before the most "beloved" card in Gwent got reworked - the Ornate Censer. Now, some people are still running the same old core cards, with a change here and there, trying to make it work.

This deck is a heavy control/tempo one that utilizes the best Scoia'Tael cards at the moment. Zoltan-Munro, we can go over this again and again if you want. Vanadain-Simlas-Alissa is the standard trio that helps you with more tempo in R1 and a very strong tempo play/finisher in later rounds. Heatwave deletes troublesome scenarios while Yrden is a big F word towards Harmony or Kitty decks.

However, the deck seems inferior to the current Renfri decks, hence the current tier.


Have you ever seen your opponent rage quit after you use Ihuarraquax? Do you wanna see it?

With so many Renfri decks on the ladder right now, it's no surprise that someone eventually came up with a deck to target Renfri or at least, can bully Renfri at some point. Keltullis turns out to be an amazing counter to Renfri decks, as they are filled with units only. Carapace protects Kelly from locks, bleeding and other small damage.

Explanation for some of the card choices:

  • She Who Knows might catch your opponents by surprise (since the card doesn't exist on ladder)

  • Witches Sabbath brings back Kelly, She Who Knows and Cave Troll, which is arguably 3 tall problems for a Renfri deck to deal with (absence of Heatwave or similar cards)

  • Ciri: Dash for card advantage; again, it's not easy to remove an 8-power unit in a single turn

  • Ihuarraquax brings out SWK for you and hopefully, Renfri for your opponent if they haven't drawn it in R1. If their deck is single Renfri, they might Escape Enter.

  • Xavier gets rid of important cards of your opponent before using Sabbath

There is a good chance that you would win the match if Quax milled Renfri. If not, keeping Kelly alive is probably your reliable line of winning.


For glory! For Radovid! - Redanian Knight (I'm supposed to say something witty and semi-funny here but I'm out of ideas, sorry about that)

The Black Sun expansion brings a brand-new Knights scenario to Gwent, alongside many changes to the current Knight cards and even a new keyword Grace. However, just like most NR decks, the current list of honourable knights really struggles against control decks - which happens to be most of the ladder decks, unfortunately.

While Mutagenerator Siege decks split boosts amongst allies while gaining points in the form of "damaging the opponents", this Knights deck goes super tall and is extremely vulnerable to locks. We would love Knights to be viable but with the current meta, it is impossible for Knights to compete against the cool kids of the patch.