Gesture Vision

Group Members: Greg Arabagian, Dane Bilotti, Cooper Diamond, Daniel Wronka

Adviser: Prof. Hong Man

"I pledge my honor that I have abided by the Stevens Honor System."

Dan Wronka Cooper Diamond Greg Arabagian Dane Bilotti

Mission Statement:

For developers who want a smarter way to recognize gestures, Gesture Vision is one side of a system that processes human gestures. Unlike current systems, Gesture Vision will use computer vision and machine learning to accurately recognize gestures. Our product will allow users to accurately identify gestures and define their own output.


Currently, there is no commercial use of gesture recognition. Products like Alexa and Google Assistant use voice and text recognition to complete tasks, but there is space in the market for a gesture-based system. Homeowners, hospitals, schools and businesses currently do not have any non-verbal platform that can automate tasks. By creating a one sided gesture recognition system, we will be giving users the ability to create outputs based on a computer recognizing a person's gestures. Using open-source software, the system will be highly modifiable for deployment in other systems. This will allow our users to have help in their respected domains with just a wave of a hand. The goal of this product is to create a platform for users and businesses to utilize gesture recognition in unique solutions.