Team Recess

Team Recess provides engaging, home-based outdoor play for school-aged children. Outdoor recess at home allows parents guilt-free personal time, and healthy exercise prepares kids for online learning during the school year, and sound sleep during the summer!


All Team Recess employees are fit and active cross-country skiers, ready to play with your kids. They love outdoor adventures and your kids will love them too! After the active play, your kids will be calmer and easier to spend time with or teach.


Your babysitter will come to you. Team Recess is like sending your kids to summer camp, without the hassle of drop-off and pick-up. Check out the Info page on how to prepare for visits.


We are committed to outside activities and fun! Rain, shine, snow, wind, you name it, we'll have your kid outside and having fun. Take a look at the Info page to make sure your kid is all set for the day.


Our team is ready to accommodate your busy schedule with our super flexible options. You can schedule Team Recess once in a while, or regularly!


Team Recess is focused on showing kids that the outdoors are amazing. The staff will keep your kid immersed in fun without TV or screen time. From spinning hula hoops to building snowmen, playing tag and throwing frisbees, our staff is ready to run and jump with your kids.


With COVID-19, Team Recess will take precautions to keep your family safe. All activities will be outside, and staff will wear a mask if you prefer. When we arrive, you'll prepare your child(ren) for outdoor play with appropriate clothes and a snack.

We're excited to meet your kids!

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