Keegan's Concept


This conceptual design for team NRG’s robotic patty flipping robot explores using a Yamaha FXYx, or similar robot, custom build end effector, hopper, and spatula scraper to fulfill the stated design requirements. To reiterate the design requirements as from the requirements document, the system shall:

 Use beef patties

 Load uncooked patties onto the grill surface

 Unload cooked patties from the grill

 Utilize an existing grill at the location

 Wait for an input before beginning a new patty

 Cook the patties to FDA standards

 Be powered by a 110VAC wall outlet

 Include an emergency shutoff

 Scrape down the grill when instructed

 Keep track of all patties on the grill

This design uses 3 additional motors and gearboxes, along with the existing Yamaha FXYx, and simple hardware to fulfill these requirements. The electrical components are not explored in depth because the mechanical hardware has not been chosen, and without knowing the interfacing constraints, electrical components cannot be specified. A general overview of the planned software is included and outlines a timer based program which tags patties with timestamps and compares a timer against a list of timestamps to know when to flip or remove patties. An overview of the manufacturing process is presented. Although most components are commercially available, a few pieces of mounting hardware are required as well as the spatula, hopper, and scraper. Finally, a loose budget is compiled with rough estimates for parts and liberal use of on campus materials.