Fifth Workshop on
Teaching NLP
@ NAACL 2021
Workshop on Teaching Natural Language Processing
Quick information
Co-located with: NAACL 2021
Location: Virtual
Workshop dates: June 10-11, 2021
Two-day workshop
Participatory activities, working groups
Talks, keynotes, panel discussions
Two types of submissions
Type 1: Teaching materials
Type 2: Papers
Submission deadline: March 15, 2021
This workshop is free with NAACL registration (early student $25, early attendee $125, late student $50, late attendee $175). The early deadline is May 20 (EDT), and the late deadline remains throughout the conference.
Everyone attending NAACL must be a current (CY 2021) ACL member. So, in addition to the registration fee, each Regular will add $100 membership fee to their registration and each Student will add $50 membership fee to their registration if not already a 2021 paid member.
Diversity & Inclusion
We hope that finances will not be a barrier for attendance in our workshop. There are several possible ways to attend our workshop and NAACL for free:
There are subsidies this year for NAACL 2021 registration, caregiving, bandwidth, and VPN. Apply by May 6. Priority is for attendees from underrepresented or marginalized communities. See here: In your justification on their form, feel free to note that you are interested in our workshop, especially if you are an educator.
Student and non-student volunteers receive free NAACL 2021 registration. See here:
Fill out our form for waiving registration using our sponsorship funds by May 13:
Join our discussion group to register your interest and to receive updates.
Email the organizers :
Follow us on Twitter.