Teacher Supports

N. Marie Green  -  GCU  - College of Education  -  TEC 544 -  August 23, 2023

Teacher supports for technology integration in the classroom.


 Get help on the following topics.

New to teaching, or new to using technology in the classroom? This menu of supports is meant to help. Under each category you will find activity suggestions or implementations that could be used in the classroom. Follow the hyperlinks to find out more about the technology tools suggested or to get other ideas for the classroom!

Lesson Delivery
Classroom Management
Student/Student Collaboration
Student/Teacher Communication
Hardware/ Tech Issues
English Language Learners
Student Engagement



Lesson Delivery

See lesson strategy directions and ideas for grouping, student sharing, and matching activities here: https://lead4ward.com/docs/instructional_strategies/playlist_2023_24.pdf 


For some Desmos formative check-ins with students check here:


Classroom Managment

Lead4ward, gives specific suggestions on how to use music in the classroom, or have students dance it out as they follow directions. https://lead4ward.com/docs/instructional_strategies/playlist_2023_24.pdf 

Student-to-Student Collaboration

Seidlitz has strategies for helping increase student discourse in the classroom, find a helpful infographic here. https://www.valentinaesl.com/uploads/8/0/4/0/80401970/7_steps_.pdf 

Student-to-Teacher Communication

Hardware/ Technology Issues

Write a short summary of what problem the article will solve. Use step-by-step instructions to help people solve the issue. 

Additional tips and things to try to get technology back to working. https://www.edutopia.org/article/teachers-most-common-tech-issues-and-how-fix-them/ 

English Language Learners

Other teaching strategies for the classroom that will specifically help English language learners can be found here. https://blog.edmentum.com/7-strategies-supporting-ells-mainstream-classroom 

Student Engagment

For more apps that can be used in the classroom for gamification or other uses, see this Lead4ward playlist for ideas to try. https://lead4ward.com/docs/instructional_strategies/playlist_tech_app.pdf 



Drexel University (n.d.) How to use technology in the classroom: benefits & effects. Drexel University: School of Education. https://drexel.edu/soe/resources/student-teaching/advice/how-to-use-technology-in-the-classroom/ 

ISTE (2023). ISTE standards: Educators. https://www.iste.org/standards/iste-standards-for-teachers 

Lead4ward (2023). Instructional strategies playlist for teachers. https://lead4ward.com/playlists/ 

Valentina (2017). 7 Steps to a language-rich interactive classroom. Serving Multilingual Learners. https://www.valentinaesl.com/articles-for-educators/7-steps-to-a-language-rich-interactive-classroom