
Did you know that 24% of MN prisoners are incarcerated on a technical violation? #DecarcerateMN is an IWOC-hosted coalition to end the state's practice of sending people back to prison for a violation of parole or probation that is not a new misdemeanor or crime (such as being late to an appointment or curfew, losing or failing to find a job or housing, or testing positive for alcohol or drugs). Instead, we call for a reinvestment in housing, treatment, and education that actually builds a safe, healthy, and connected community for formerly incarcerated people, their families, and all people.

No New Crime, No New Time! Campaign Factsheet

End Crimeless Revocations To Prison for Technical Violations

"Everybody always says, 'we’re trying to protect the community.' Question: which community are we talking about? The African-American community does not see it from that point of view. What we see is our men and women being plucked away from their homes and an undue financial burden being placed on us. I could pick any of these violation reports… No new crimes, no nothing, no drug uses. How does [revocation] effectively impact on protecting the community?"

-IWOC community member

"We’re a solutions-driven campaign. Anytime you come to a meeting with us, the first thing that’s going to be coming out of our mouth is we need the moratorium and we need the release [of prisoners incarcerated on technical violations]."

-IWOC Community Member