The Wensveen Lab

Great work of first author Karlo Mladenić and the rest of the team for publishing a great Review article on the mechanisms of inflammation in fatty liver disease in the European Journal of Immunology.

 Read the article here:

Read our latest manuscript on the first steps of hepatic inflammation in context of fatty liver disease in Science Immunology!

 Read the article here:

Assoc.Prof. Felix Wensveen

Specialists on immuno-endocrinology and anti-viral immunology

Since 2006, the focus of my research has been on how lymphocytes deal with cellular stress, such as infections, but also metabolic stress. People can be infected with a shockingly large number of pathogens such as bacteria and viruses. In addition, cells can malfunction due to oncogenic transformation or as a result of the accumulation of metabolites in context of obesity. Somehow, the immune system must be able to identify all these  signals as a reason to respond, whilst leaving all the molecular structures healthy tissues intact. Once the threat has been eliminated, the immune system must retain a small but effective, standing army in the form of memory cells, that protect from re-infection with the original pathogen, but also of potential mutants.

All of these examples require complex molecular strategies which we are studying in my group. More recently, we have expanded our research to investigate not only how the immune system directly identifies and eliminates these threats, but also how it modifies systemic metabolism in order to optimally fight incursions. Our work has identified several mechanisms how this system derails in the context of metabolic disease.

Our team is part of the:

More information on this center can be found HERE

Research highlights:

A full list of publications of my group can be found HERE.

Group leader Felix Wensveen won the 2019 award of the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts for the best Scientific achievement in the field of Medical Sciences!