Climate Change, Water Resources, and Sustainable Development

Technical Committee 26


1) To provide a forum in the Asian region for research, knowledge generation and consequent implementation into sustainable engineering practices to address the widespread problems being caused by climate change and water resource issues.

2) To contribute to the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Goals 6, 13 and 14 with a broad cross-sectoral perspective and a wide range of experts to protect the environment and human health to improve the quality of people’s lives.

Expected Outcomes

To facilitate development and sharing of new engineering standards and practices relating to climate and water resources that are capable of adapting to changing climate conditions, that can handle a changeover from fossil energy to renewable energy sources, and result in climate safe infrastructure that produces low or no carbon emissions.

  • Shared information and resources.

  • Technical seminar at an ACECC Executive Committee meeting

  • Technical session at CECAR9 in 2022