Taxi Pay Terminal

What Makes the Taxi EFTPOS machine Special?


Many people regularly utilise ride-hailing services. The ride is paid for through an online payment mechanism within the app. Have you ever pondered the mechanics behind this sort of transaction? That's when connectivity with a payment gateway comes in handy.

This blog is for you if you're developing a taxi app and want to incorporate an online payment gateway, or if you just want to learn more about doing so.

Integrating a Payment Gateway into Your Business

Integrating a payment gateway is what? This is always the first query from new customers. The name pretty much explains itself.  Integrating a payment gateway into a website or mobile app is what is meant by the term "payment gateway integration."

A "payment gateway" is a service that authorises and processes a financial transaction over the Internet. Even if the transaction takes place digitally, there are numerous ways to initiate it.

The payment gateway facilitates this exchange by acting as a hub for all related transactional activity. Multiple layers of security procedures and encryption protect the online payment gateway.

While payment gateways find use in a variety of contexts, they are most often associated with on-demand mobile apps. Taxi booking applications are one of the greatest and most widely used instances of payment gateway integration in a mobile application. At the Taxi pay terminal you can expect a lot.

The Payment Gateway's Role

So, what exactly do payment gateways serve in taxi app contexts? You probably guessed correctly that it has anything to do with money. As a result, a number of different kinds of transaction gateway payments are feasible.


Simply said, this is a test of the users' account balances to ensure that they have sufficient funds. There is no exchange of currency taking place.


Here is where the money is transferred when it has been approved for payment. Here, the user authorises the transfer of payments from their account to the merchant's account (or the taxi driver's account, in this example).


From the customer's vantage point, this is the same thing as making a payment. It's a two-in-one deal with permission and arrest.


Although not commonly associated with taxi booking apps, this is an essential part of the payment processor. A payment gateway is a two-way street, to put it another way. For whatever reason, if the user wants their money returned, this feature can help them out. With the inclusion of the Taxi EFTPOS machine you can expect the best solutions.

So, How Exactly Does A Taxi App's Payment Gateway Function?

When it comes to on-demand apps, taxi apps are unrivalled. Additionally, utilising their services is a breeze. However, after customers have been given their rides, it is time for them to make a payment. Here, customers have the option of making a cash payment or, much more conveniently, making an online payment.

This is where online payment gateways come in, if the user opts to make a purchase online. It's possible to start a deal in a number of different ways. Most users have the option to pay instantly within the app or by scanning a QR code.


One of the most widely used on-demand apps is for hailing taxis via a mobile device. Integrating a payment gateway is a crucial part of these apps. Now, if you want to build a taxi app and include a payment gateway, you need talk to a mobile app development business.