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慶應大学経済学部教授2005年カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校大学院経済学研究科博士課程修了(経済学Ph.D).同年,横浜国立大学大学院国際社会科学研究科准教授.2008年9月より一橋大学国際企業戦略研究科准教授,2014年3月よりオーストラリア国立大学クロフォード公共政策大学院准教授を経て,2022年4月より現職.Economics Design Inc.プリンシパル,経済産業研究所(RIETI)リサーチアソシエイト,Japanese Economic Review共同編集者,現代ファイナンス共同編集者も兼ねる.


計量ファイナンス,マクロ計量経済学,エネルギー経済学の分野を中心に30本を超える論文を学術誌に発表.GPIF Finance Awards (2017年),日本ファイナンス学会丸淳子研究奨励賞 (2015年),証券アナリストジャーナル賞 (2014年)などを受賞.主な著書に『経済・ファイナンスデータの計量時系列分析』(朝倉書店,2010年)がある(経済・ファイナンスデータの計量時系列分析のデータはこちらの朝倉書店のページからダウンローできます).


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Research Gate



9. Okimoto, Tatsuyoshi and Sumiko Takaoka (2024), "Credit Default Swaps and Corporate Carbon Emissions in Japan," Energy Economics 133, 107504.

8. Okimoto, Tatsuyoshi and Sumiko Takaoka (2024), “Sustainability and credit spreads in Japan,” International Review of Financial Analysis 91, 103052.

7. Inoue, Tomoo and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2023), “Exploring the Dynamic Relationship between Mobility and the Spread of COVID-19, and the Role of Vaccines,” forthcoming in Applied Economics.

6. Aono, Kohei and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2023), “When Does the Japan Empowering Women Index Outperform its Parent and the ESG Select Leaders Indexes?” International Review of Financial Analysis 85, 102428.

5. Irawan, Denny and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2022), “Conditional Capital Surplus and Shortfall across Resource Firms,” Energy Economics 112, 106092. 

4. Okimoto, Tatsuyoshi and Sumiko Takaoka (2022), “The Credit Spread Curve Distribution and Economic Fluctuations in Japan,” Journal of International Money and Finance 122, 102582.

3. Inoue, Tomoo and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2022), “International Spillover Effects of Unconventional Monetary Policies of Major Central Banks,” International Review of Financial Analysis 79, 101968.

2. Nguyen, Bao H., Tatsuyoshi Okimoto, and Trung Duc Tran (2022), “Uncertainty- and Sign-Dependent Effects of Oil Market Shocks,” Journal of Commodity Markets  26, 100207.

1. Inoue, Tomoo and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2022), “How Does Unconventional Monetary Policy Affect the Global Financial Markets?” Empirical Economics 62, 1013-1036.


3. Markus Heckel, Tomoo Inoue, Kiyohiko Nishimura, and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto," Assessing Unconventional Monetary Policy in Japan Using Market Operation-based Monetary Policy Indices," RIETI Discussion paper, 22-E-103.

2. Irawan, Denny and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2021), “Macro Uncertainties and Tests of Capital Structure Theories across Renewable and Non-Renewable Resource Companies,” RIETI Discussion Paper, 21-E-55.

1. Irawan, Denny and Tatsuyoshi Okimoto (2021), “How Does ESG Performance Affect Firm Values and Overinvestments?” RIETI Discussion Paper, 21-E-033.