We are delighted to be listed in the Tatler Schools Guide 2024 as one of the best public schools in the country. As quoted by one of our happy parents ''Sherborne encourages boys not to take themselves too seriously, there's lots of laughter''. The review continues to say ''Sherborne offers a single-sex education with regular opportunities to mix with the girls from its sister school; and despite being less highly-selective than some of its competitors, it produces fantastic results.''

Tatler has published its coveted Tatler Schools Guide 2024, featuring the very best independent schools in the UK, and we're immensely proud that King's High, once again, has been recognised as a top Tatler school.

Tatler Schools Guide 2024 Pdf Free Download

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'This place bucks a trend. While most girls' schools lose numbers in the Sixth Form, King's High gains them; and close links to Warwick School, which entail lots of activities with its boys, certainly aren't the only draw. 'Guiding and creating confident and independent young women', the school also offers plenty of chances to 'try something new', enthuses one parent. And a pupil agrees that 'there are so many opportunities to do what you love' in the 150-plus clubs, including hip-hop, hockey and Kissing it Better, a community-support initiative that works to make a difference to those in care homes or hospitals.'

Hi, I am desperately trying to put my hands on the 2022 guide but can't seem to find it anywhere in the Fulham area. Anyone else struggling to get a copy? If anyone has a copy would be grateful if you could send me a photo of the page on Fulham Prep (if they are on the list), Latymer Prep, Putney High and Dulwich College. Or if anyone has any suggestions where I could get a copy. Thanks all!

I know what you mean about Tatler - how can you really fairly summarise a school in 50-60 words in some cases. The content is in a way less meaningful than are you in or out of the guide (which may matter to parents who want to go to schools where other parents read Tatler).

My understanding is that the GSG - while much more detailed - is not all that independent and honest either. You never hear anything negative about a school in the GSG and they tend to take whatever the head tells them as read. However in a way, that is quite revealing because it does tell you what the head thinks is most important.

I had a look at the latest up to date GSG reviews for my DC's schools and they seem to be much more comprehensive this year with more critical reviews as well as the good stuff. They got it fairly spot on with both schools. 

Does anyone take much notice of the Tatler reviews?!

A friend and I were looking at the Tatler Schools Guide (South East area) and noticed quite a few schools which were surprisingly absent. Can anyone provide insights on why this would be?

I assume they consider aspects such as exam resilts, exit results / uni destinations, quality of teaching, facilities, financial stability of the school, type of pupils, how fashionable the school is, direction the Head is trying to take the school in etc ? But even taking the above into account there are still some schools omitted which I would expect to see.

Examples from the south east area:

Somerhill / Yardly Court, Tonbridge:

It has never been in the guide afaik. This is the main feeder school for Tonbridge FGS! How can it not be in there? Doesn't it tick all the boxes above? Other Preps included in the area are Holmwood House (every year) & Rose Hill (dropped out recently).

Rose Hill, Tunbridge Wells:

Was in there 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 but not 2016. Wonder why it's dropped out for 2016? It's got great exits & results. Has it also become unfashionable? 

Hilden Grange, Tonbridge:

Has never been included, anyone surprised by that? (Hope I'm referring to the correct school there!)

Lancing College, West Sussex:

In the guide 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 but NOT 2015, 2016. Doesn't this school have a national reputation? Isn't it very old & established? Very famous Chapel, even has a farm. Has it become unfashionable? Why did it drop out? I did see it's not been the top performer in the county for several years as its been 2nd place to Ardingly College which has the highest results in the county (in the guide for every year). Could that be why? Plenty of schools with lower results are in. 

Ashdown House, East Sussex:

Did this drop out of the guide around the time of the terrible allegations?? That would explain it. It's back in now. 

Insights / speculation / comments appreciated!

It never ceases to astonish me that people take The Tatler Schools Guide seriously. Please don't, nightsky. It's only a frivolous offshoot of a gossip magazine, published for the sake of advertising revenue from some particularly snobbish schools.

A bit like the Good Schools Guide is designed to generate subscriptions revenue then? We could argue bias with most school guides. At least Tatler do view the schools in question, unlike GSG or Spectator AFAIK. 

I didn't mean that to sound snarky btw :-)

Don't worry, I don't take it that seriously... But I'm still interested in the 'snob value' of particular schools.

Yes, The Good Schools Guide should also be read with a sceptical eye. It is a owned by Lord Lucas of Crudwell (en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ralph_Palmer,_12th_Baron_Lucas), a Liveryman of the Mercers Company, which runs SPS, SPGS, Abingdon, the Hall etc. 

To see The Tatler visiting a school and just how superficial its research is, check out this excerpt from a BBC documentary, which has Michael Halls of KCS Wimbledon declaring that the guide actually matters (enough to put any sensible parent off in the unlikely event they could afford the fees which have risen astronomically on his watch):

Tatler is a pretty trashy magazine. Have you seen the other thread currently running in AIBU about a Tatler piece on Brooklyn Beckham? They would not be my guide to anything as serious as education or the money spent to fund it.

All of these books are just advertising and waffle. Awards won by Indy schools whether they be from Tatler or even the Sunday Times are awarded to the schools with the biggest PR budget. So you will see awards for schools like Wellington and Kings College who are PR mad, and awards to flagship schools of big chains with big PR budgets like Guildford High. I can't remember the last time Westminster, Winchester, St Pauls, Eton, Wycombe Abbey won an award which in itself speaks volumes.

If The Economist started running a fashion supplement we would all laugh for 5 minutes and then ignore it. Why does Tatler get all this attention?

Tatler miss out some of the top performing, most opportunity-rich schools. It is more which schools they get a chance to visit (head invites, they have time to visit etc). Schools probably pay or have to advertise in tatler.

It is interesting to read but certainly wouldn't guide my school choices.

As posted on the other thread (had you realised it double posted?)

"Can anyone provide insights on why this would be?"

Because, apart from the big name schools which they could not omit, the featured schools are those which have paid to advertise in the relevant supplements.

Look at who is advertising, and them who is written up.

(Schools cannot pay to be included in GSG. And yes, they GSG visit the schools (don't know how often) and use parent reporters as well as staff visits).

I can't speak for all of them, but a friend of mine is a GSG inspector, and she is extremely thorough and conscientious in her work. She has ruffled a few schools' feathers in her time too when she has said things as she has seen them!

Interesting,just had a look at the websites for the preps and they all seemed pretty so so.Very local client base and children going to local schools,lots leaving at 11(kent),so certainly didnt seem like glaring omissions to me,none of the leavers seemed to be going to top tier schools,plenty of prep/private primary schools all over the country just like them.

Lancing-decent enough school but again,every area of the country has schools as good-decent local school,strong local reputation but nothing more,every area has old established schools,doesnt mean they should all be in a good schools guide.,or that it isnt a good school,but many many schools of a similar calibre can be found.

Dont buy the advertising line,very few of the schools in the guide advertise in the magazine

Guides are just that...guides..nothing more nothing less,treat them all with a pinch of salt,read between the lines.

Lord Lucas and Tatler both acknowledge your sentiments on rising school fees granolamucher; 


Have you misquoted Michael Hall though granola? At the beginning of the BBC documentary what he actually says is, 'It matters to us how we're perceived everywhere.' He acknowledges that The Tatler Guide is 'more fizzy and fun' (compared to The Good Schools Guide) but 'quite accurate'.

If you read the ISI (inspection) reports for the schools you've listed op, with the exception of Yardley Court perhaps, there are a few negative comments which presumably Tatler have also read or noticed for themselves - boarding doesn't sound very appealing at Lancing College for example. 152ee80cbc

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