There were issues previously and was easily resolved if you stored the username/password values in variables within tasker and then put those place within the URL. My email has some periods (which in retrospect I need to go back in time and slap myself for setting it that way, as it has caused me grief with a couple of other things), and I believe they were causing issues with my login to OH cloud from being successful.

If I understood this correctly, as a work arround you can use tasker to directly communicate with your vera without using AutHomation. This would also allow you to create that big button for your mom using the tasker widgets.

Tasker Latest Version Download

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New quick start instructions:1) Install AutoNotification (not sure if free will wrok or not, I use the paid version, I believe their is a free trial) https:\/\/\/store\/apps\/details?id=com.joaomgcd.autonotification\u0026hl=en2) Import the following tasker profile: https:\/\/\/file\/d\/1NdqhzfceOkSDDzftWo0ri3RjctjPSiAM\/view?usp=sharing*If you want a more advanced example for the task called by the base profile see this: https:\/\/\/file\/d\/1yqDOGA1lsfwrVFzVtsFDM65aYEi1zAav\/view?usp=sharing3) If your phone is not in English adapt the the part that says \"wants to open\" to your native language.4) Create tasks in Tasker with simple and descriptive titles that you want to use from the watch.5) Assign those tasks to buttons or menus in the settings in Garmin Express or the Garmin Connect App by typing the name of the task into settings.Tasker 2 provides a second set of Tasker tasks for users of https:\/\/\/en-US\/apps\/fbb74bfe-f617-4667-be49-884239c12307. Widgets also available https:\/\/\/en-US\/apps\/f246f883-26eb-40a7-9f63-8854384fc61b \u0026 https:\/\/\/en-US\/apps\/90b51b39-7ff7-43b6-b73f-982339a9a73e. New features will be tested in Tasker 2 and Second Tasker Widget before the primary apps.---------------------------------------Run Tasker tasks from your watch on any Android device. Also requires the plugin AutoNotification.You can execute up to 4 tasks with single button presses and up to 20 more from a task menu. Some ideas of Tasker tasks that you can do are turn on\/off lights, play music, send predefined text messages, turn on mobile data, toggle wifi, control your TV, or interface to a home automation server.Requires the following Tasker task and the plugin Auto Notification (must be logged into forums to download task or you can email if you need help):https:\/\/\/showthread.php?366342-Tasker-IntegrationIn the settings menu type the name of the tasker task you want to map to each button.The menu button will bring up a list of up to 20 tasks to run, blank tasks will not be in the menu.You can delete previously defined tasks by setting the task name to single SPACE character (limitation of settings module).Double tap back for menu or triple tap to exit. If no task is assigned to the back button (task left blank in settings) the app will exit after a single press."; var appDescriptionMoreLabel = "More"; Run Tasker tasks from your watch on any Android device. Requires the plugin AutoNotification.New quick start instructions:1) Install AutoNotification (not sure if free will wrok or not, I use the paid version, I believe their is a free trial) =com.joaomgcd.autonotification&hl=en2) Import the following tasker profile: =sharing

Export steps/sleep/heart/weight spreadsheet data (since 8.18.11 app version)Files will be saved on a folder named "export" into the backup folder selected on the Notify app general settings.

If no backup folder is set, the files will be saved on the default files directory of phone /storage/emulated/0/android/data/ or /storage/emulated/0/android/data/ 


Optional parameters (extra):

start - long - timestamp (in milliseconds) since when start exporting data. Default value 00:00:00 of current day

end - long - timestamp (in milliseconds) end time of exporting data. Default value current time


Change current profile (since 9.3.1 app version)Action:

Parameters (extra):

profile - String - name of profile to activate (must be the same exact name showed on the notify main left menu)

Receive the intent when you fell asleep (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section


Receive the intent when you woke up (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section


Receive the intent when you reache the steps goal (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section


Receive the intent when you stop wearing the band (this event is sent from the band, if the band firmware doesn't support this feature, you will not receive any event)Deprecated. See Notify Triggers section


Receive the intent when a sensor data is tracked. Start the Sleep as Android or sensor test tracking first (since 12.2.2 app version)Action:

Extras: time - timestamp in milliseconds (long)Extras: x - x value (integer)Extras: y - y value (integer)Extras: z - z value (integer) ff782bc1db

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