The Task Scheduler service allows you to perform automated tasks on a chosen computer. With this service, you can schedule any program to run at a convenient time for you or when a specific event occurs. The Task Scheduler monitors the time or event criteria that you choose and then executes the task when those criteria are met.

The Task Scheduler enables you to automatically perform routine tasks on a chosen computer. The Task Scheduler does so by monitoring whatever criteria you choose (referred to as triggers) and then executing the tasks when those criteria are met.

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Some examples of tasks that you can use the Task Scheduler to execute are: starting an application; sending an email message; or displaying a message box. You can schedule a task to execute in response to these triggers:

I wanted to disable the UAC popup box when running the command prompt as admin, but this didn't work for me. What did work, was setting the task scheduler to run it as admin given a specific trigger. The problem is, I want it to run via shortcut, and not every time I log on or every day at 10pm.

Click on the Start button, type Task Scheduler in the "Start Search" box, then press Enter. Note: You can get to the Task Scheduler by using the Manage My Computer context menu from the "Computer" icon, by using the shortcut from the Administrative Tools folder, or by typing taskschd.msc in the Run box.

Where "TaskName" is the name of the task you chose, from step 3. Note: Include the quotation marks around the TaskName or it will fail to successfully run the task. Click Next and then enter a name for the shortcut. When done, click Finish.

Had an issue where my task was not firing simply because it was running on a laptop without a power cord... Under the conditions tab, by default it is checked so that a task will not run while AC power is not connected.

Please check which user account you use to execute our task. It may happen that you run your task with different user then your default user, and this user requires some extra privileges.Also it may happen that the task is executed but you cant see any effect because the batch file waits for some user response so please check task manager if you see your process running.Once it happen that I schedule a batch with svn update of some web page and the process hangs because svn asked for accepting server certificate.

I am running several python scripts on a schedule on a virtual machine that has ArcGIS Pro 2.6.1 installed. I am using the python.exe from my Pro python environment to run all of the scripts in task scheduler. However ever since ArcGIS Pro version 2.5.2, I have been getting the message 0xF6 in the last run results. The crazy thing is that this happens sporadically. Sometimes the tasks run fine and other times they don't. All of my python scripts run fine by themselves.

The funny thing is scheduling geoprocessing tasks through Pro just adds a task in Windows Task Scheduler. I have no idea why it working this way instead of directly through Windows Task Scheduler. My IT Department is stumped as well, but things are fine now.

Can you provide more details on how you were able to accomplish this task as I would like to try to move ArcMap scripts to Pro and maybe I can bypass using Windows Task Scheduler in the future with this same move?

Hi all. I also ran into this issue recently, and we couldn't put our finger on why it was failing. We ended up going down the same route as Michael Torbett and noticed that the scheduled task in Pro was using the pythonw.exe, not python.exe. We reverted our original task scheduler task to run pythonw.exe and since then it's been working without any problems.

My script wouldn't run via Windows Task Scheduler with any of the above suggestions, until I tried running it from Pro's scheduler. I loosely followed this Pro help page: -app/latest/help/analysis/geoprocessing/basics/schedule-geoprocessing-t...

As MichaelTorbett said, Pro actually uses Windows Task Scheduler to run the geoprocessing tool. In the Task Scheduler, under the Actions tab, it used the pythonw.exe file as the Program/script and the argument was stuffed away here: "C:\Users\me\AppData\Local\ESRI\ArcGISPro\Geoprocessing\ScheduledTools\WasteRecyclingReport_02012022_0325PM\"

I notice this topic keeps getting updated with different users having the same issue and trying different approaches to the problem with mixed results. Has anyone from ESRI ever acknowledged this issue and recommended a certain approach that entities should take to handle the issue of Scheduled Tasks that rely on Arcpy to run?

To ensure that your Python script will run regardless of the login account that the schedule task uses, and to avoid any confusion about which version of Python is used in mixed environments (64bit or 32bit), it is recommended that you run the Python executable with the name of your Python file as an argument to the executable.

Suppose the script you want to run is E:\My Instead of running the script directly, instruct the task scheduler to run python.exe with the script as an argument. For example:

Also each time I modify a task, the user account in the General tab is switched to Medium Mandatory Level. So I have to reopen the taks and set the user account back to my username: (cf. this question)

Then provide the batch file in the action part of the task config. One thing to also take care of that all the files written during the runtime of the python program can actually be accessed by the user executing the script.

For some reason, the windows task scheduler starts the python.exe in an environment, where they fail at import-module statements. I had to use a workaround using the CMD.exe and pass the command to run the python script in the given folder.

This what I did Suppose the script you want to run is E:\My Instead of running the script directly, instruct the task scheduler to run python.exe with the script as an argument. For example:

The scheduler with a batch file worked for me, but in addition to the full path of a particular python.exe as described above, you may also need/want to start a conda environment for all the other python packages. This line can be added to the batch file:

Also if setting up to run on a remote machine note there is a command line interface for the scheduler, so you don't even need an RDP session to the remote machine, but can set it all up in an ssh session alone:

The Windows Task Scheduler does not examine the exit code or any other values when your task completes. You must handle any error processing within your own script or program.

Nobody has answered the title question though. It seems as though the task scheduler has no way to detect a failed task? Surely it must have something because it has an option to restart failed tasks!

The issue is the actions are only considered to fail if they cannot be started. This is pretty dumb, but the scheduler doesn't care about the results of the actions.

One workaround is to add an action at the end to run something like "ok.exe" and then have your other actions either create "ok.exe" (good result) or delete it. (bad result)

So what is suggested is to create a final action for the task that will call a dummy .exe file. If the .exe file is not found, this will correctly cause the failure for the task and trigger the restart option. As .exe file he uses clip.exe from Windows system folder, this is nice I think because is very small and won't do any action if called on it's own.

On Windows 10, the Task Scheduler lets you create and run tasks automatically, and in this guide, I'll outline the steps to complete the process. Typically, the operating system and certain apps use the scheduler to automate maintenance tasks (such as disk defragmentation, disk cleanup, and updates). However, you can use it to automate your own tasks. For example, you can launch programs, run commands, and execute scripts at a specific time or trigger tasks when a specific event occurs.

The "powershell.exe" command and the above argument will run the script named "first_script.ps1." The argument "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass" ensures that the script runs successfully, and the "-NoExit" argument will prevent the window from closing after running the script. You can learn more about creating a PowerShell script in this guide.

Mauro Huculak is technical writer for His primary focus is to write comprehensive how-tos to help users get the most out of Windows 10 and its many related technologies. He has an IT background with professional certifications from Microsoft, Cisco, and CompTIA, and he's a recognized member of the Microsoft MVP community.

I create the tasks in several ways, importing from task scheduler in Server 2012, manually or using PowerShell but the scenario is the same. Despite having the recurrence set for every 15 minutes and updating the "Next Runtime" field, the tasks do not start.

We did the same thing. Created a service account and you need to log in as that user to set up the jobs as you cant assign a task to a user. Also something to keep in mind there is no notification when a job fails. I put in an enhancement request for emails when a scheduled job fails.

I am trying to create a task scheduler GPO to run a script once a month but whatever I try to create the task it does not show up on the target computers Task Scheduler. I have tried creating in both computer and user configuration. Tried both Create and Update options. Tried all four of the Task options, immediate/ Scheduled Task, and for At Least Windows 7.

You could try blocking the access to "C:\Windows\System32\schtasks.exe" (so that it can't be run), however this would only block the commando line tool and this wouldn't help very much as there are other ways to modify tasks.

However I noticed that in some situation you might see many block or ask messages at startup. This is because of some triggers in some tasks which e.g. ran at startup or specific times and update itself. 006ab0faaa

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