
Hi, I am Tapas Tripura. I am a PMRF fellow at the Department of Applied Mechanics, IIT Delhi. I obtained my master's and bachelor's in Civil Engineering from IIT Guwahati and Nerist, respectively. In my master's, I extensively worked on stochastic dynamics, stochastic calculus, and machine learning to develop stochastic integration schemes and real-time system identification tools. Currently, at IIT Delhi, I am working on model-based stochastic control. Instead of using the approximated model, I have developed an algorithm for identifying the governing physics of stochastic dynamical systems. The discovery architecture uses a Bayesian machine learning algorithm to discover the governing physics of stochastic dynamical systems. To enable faster predictions during control, I have also developed data-driven and physics-informed deep learning solvers. The deep learning solvers integrate the robustness of existing neural operators with wavelet decomposition for learning parametric differential equations. In a parallel path, I have developed a robust model agnostic predictive control framework for stochastic control of dynamical systems. I am currently exploring deep learning alternatives to avoid costly optimization steps in model predictive control.

Glimpses on my work at IIT Delhi as PMRF

🔗 Data-driven Physics Discovery of Dynamical systems

Discovering governing physics of stochastic systems

Discovering interpretable Lagrangian of dynamical systems from data

PDE discovery using Variational Bayes

Bayesian interpretable Lagrangian discovery

Stochastic PDE discovery

MAntRA: A framework for model agnostic reliability analysis

🔗 Model Agnostic Stochastic Model Predictive Control (MASMPC)

Robust model agnostic predictive control algorithm for randomly excited dynamical systems

🔗 Predictive Digital Twin

Probabilistic and Predictive Digital Twin

🔗 Deep Neural Operator for Computational Mechanics

Wavelet Neural Operator (WNO)

Physics-informed Wavelet Neural Operator (PIWNO)

Wavelet Neural Operator based elastography for tumors

Fault detection and isolation using probabilistic wavelet neural operator

Neural Combinatorial Wavelet Neural Operator for continual learning

Multi-fidelity Wavelet Neural Operator 

Contact me at: tapas.t@am.iitd.ac.in