About me

 I am a postdoc researcher at the Programming Principles, Logic, and Verification (PPLV) group at University College London (UCL), working with David Pym. Currently, we are working on proof-theoretic semantics (Pt-S), exploring: Pt-S for substructural logics, categorical perspective of Pt-S, the application of Pt-S in proof search and system modelling. My current goal is to explore the foundation of logic and proof search, and provide an abstract narrative using category theory. For instance, we are trying to link our P-tS for substructural logics with the work on using Boolean-constraints for proof search, and apply diagrammatic calculus to formalise the tactics involved. In general, my research interest is the application of category theory in theoretical computer science, including probabilistic reasoning, automata theory, database theory, etc. 

I finished my PhD under the supervision of Fabio Zanasi and Alexandra Silva, also at PPLV @ UCL. Before joining UCL, I obtained my MSc in Logic at the Institute for Logic, Language, and Computation (ILLC) in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and my BA at the Department of Philosophy at Peking University, China. My CV can be found here.  

I am also co-organising the weekly PPLV seminar, usually held on Thursday 1-2 pm, at 66-72 Gower Street.  Feel free to contact me if you want to come and talk about your fun work! 



18/19 Computability and Complexity Theory; Discrete Mathematics.

19/20 Computability and Complexity Theory; Discrete Mathematics; Design and Professional Skills: Python programming.

20/21 Computability and Complexity Theory; Discrete Mathematics; Design and Professional Skills: Python programming.

21/22 Computability and Complexity Theory; Discrete Mathematics; Logic and Database Theory. 

22/23 Computability and Complexity Theory; Intermediate Mathematics for Computer Science, Part I & II

Academic Service

Journal referee: LMCS.

Conference (sub)reviewer: CONCUR 2020; LICS 2022, 2023; POPL 2024. 

Student volunteer: CALCO 2019, CAV 2021 (Student Volunteer Coordinator).


You can email me at: <first_name>.<last_name>.18@ucl.ac.uk